2024.07.21 (일)

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기상청 제공


SBI Japannext Launches New Trading System From NASDAQ OMX

SBI Japannext Members to Gain Significant Ultra-Low Latency and Capacity Improvements From Proven Exchange Technology, X-stream INET

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. (Nasdaq:NDAQ) today announced that SBI Japannext has successfully launched a new NASDAQ OMX powered X-stream INET trading system.

SBI Japannext, a Japanese PTS (Propriety Trading System), along with its members, will benefit from significant ultra-low latency and throughput capacity advantages by upgrading to the INET version of NASDAQ OMX's X-stream exchange technology—the most widely used marketplace trading system in the world.

NASDAQ OMX's X-stream technology is deployed in 22 markets worldwide. X-stream is a multi-asset system that complies with international standards and is capable of handling equities, commodities, debt, ETFs, futures, options, swaps and derivatives on a single platform.

Chuck Chon, Co-CEO, SBI Japannext said: “This new system upgrade to X-stream INET will enable us to offer our customers a powerful, ultra-low latency trading system in line with international standards. High-performance trading technology is a vehicle for growth for us. By moving to X-stream INET, we can continue increasing our market share, industry leadership and growing customer base domestically and abroad.”

Lars Ottersgard, Senior Vice President NASDAQ OMX Market Technology, said: “We congratulate SBI Japannext on today‘s successful upgrade launch and look forward to continuing a long and fruitful partnership. We have great confidence in our industry leading X-stream technology and couldn’t be more pleased to have SBI Japannext utilize it to increase their competitive advantage. SBI Japannext marks NASDAQ OMX's fifth exchange customer in Japan and it is very rewarding to see our footprint grow in this important market.”

In September 2011, SBI Japannext went live with NASDAQ OMX's X-stream Trading platform to replace its previous platform in order to deploy trading technology in line with global standards, while its members remained connected via the FIX protocol. The recent technology upgrade to X-stream INET will bolster latency to ultra-low levels and strengthen performance abilities.


