2024.07.19 (금)

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기상청 제공


Openet Wins Summary Judgment in Patent Infringement Suit

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Openet, a global leader of transaction management software for network operators, today announced that a federal court in Alexandria, Virginia, has granted summary judgment for Openet in a lawsuit filed by Amdocs Limited. The court found that Openet software does not infringe Amdocs' patents.

The suit, filed August 16, 2010, alleged that Openet infringed two U.S. patents owned by Amdocs. Two additional Amdocs patents were added to the case in January 2011. The suit sought money damages and an injunction against the sale of certain Openet products.

After extensive discovery of documents and deposition testimony of witnesses, Judge Leonie Brinkema of the Eastern District of Virginia denied Amdocs‘ claim. Her September 27, 2012 ruling found that none of Openet’s products infringed the four patents in question.

“We welcome the court‘s decision,” said Openet CEO Niall Norton. “Openet’s long history of innovative development respects the intellectual property rights of others. This judgement vindicates our strategy of innovation over litigation. I would like to express our sincere appreciation for the tireless efforts of our staff and legal team during this process.”

Amdocs attempted injunction related to Openet‘s Mediation products, specifically their ability to gather, combine, and synthesize the huge quantities of data generated within the world’s largest and most complex networks. Openet Mediation enables the efficient analysis of data that would otherwise be too voluminous and varied to process.

“Amdocs‘ action shows it regards Openet as a serious competitive threat,” said Openet founder and CTO Joe Hogan. “Customers choose Openet because we channel our energy into creating better products instead of into litigation. Today’s judgment again proves that serving customers through product innovation is ultimately the best business strategy.”


