2024.07.21 (일)

  • 흐림동두천 22.2℃
  • 흐림강릉 27.6℃
  • 서울 23.7℃
  • 흐림대전 25.7℃
  • 흐림대구 26.1℃
  • 구름많음울산 28.4℃
  • 흐림광주 24.5℃
  • 구름조금부산 26.8℃
  • 구름많음고창 26.4℃
  • 흐림제주 29.4℃
  • 흐림강화 23.8℃
  • 구름많음보은 25.0℃
  • 구름많음금산 27.0℃
  • 흐림강진군 24.2℃
  • 흐림경주시 28.8℃
  • 구름많음거제 25.9℃
기상청 제공


Successful HBI and BIOTRONIK Partnership Saves 1,000 Lives - Now Reaching Out to More Countries

BIOTRONIK Renews Commitment After Achieving Their First Milestone of Providing 1,000 Life Saving Devices One Year Earlier Than Expected

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]BIOTRONIK, a leading manufacturer of innovative medical technology, has surpassed its commitment to provide life-saving devices to more than 1,000 economically disadvantaged patients by 2013 earlier than anticipated. Through its partnership with Heartbeat International Foundation, Inc. (HBI), BIOTRONIK delivered 776 pacemakers and 405 implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) in nearly 20 countries to date. Moreover with renewed support from BIOTRONIK, HBI is now expanding its international network to create new operational heart centers in additional countries such as China, Ethiopia and Cambodia.

“Not only has BIOTRONIK set itself the ambitious goal of saving 1,000 lives together with us -- and surpassed all expectations by providing the necessary devices almost a year early -- the company has strengthened its commitment: BIOTRONIK is now supporting HBI in its efforts to expand their activities to other regions in the world and ship devices to even more countries,” explained Benedict S. Maniscalco, MD, Chairman and CEO of HBI. “The commitment made by BIOTRONIK in support of HBI's mission has set a high bar for other manufacturers of cardiac implantable devices. We want to encourage these manufacturers to take notice and join HBI in its mission.”

Since 1984, HBI has been the global leader in providing devices that treat cardiac arrhythmias of patients in need -- combating the world's number one killer, cardiovascular disease. Estimates indicate that 82% of cardiovascular disease originates in low- and middle-income countries -- and up to 3 million people die each year because they are unable to afford a pacemaker or ICD.

BIOTRONIK's partnership with HBI is dedicated to reducing those preventable fatalities by providing top-of-the-line cardiovascular implantable devices and subsequent treatment to economically disadvantaged patients free of charge -- regardless of age, gender, religion, culture or political persuasion.

“As a company that is known for its dedication to patients‘ health, we see it as our duty to advance initiatives that give economically disadvantaged patients access to life-saving, high quality care,” said Christoph Böhmer, President International, BIOTRONIK. “BIOTRONIK’s donation of cardiac devices to HBI's program is an important part of this commitment. Working with Heartbeat International Foundation, we are continuously looking for new ways to save even more patients. We are proud as a leading global manufacturer of cardiovascular therapies to support HBI and advance our alliance together.”


