2024.07.16 (화)

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기상청 제공


Cisco Announces New, Expanded Roles for Key Executives

Gary B. Moore and Rob Lloyd Promoted to President; Company Sharpens Focus on Customer Centricity and Operational Excellence

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) today announced an evolution of its organizational structure and executive leadership team, which is designed to position the company for future growth and enable it to more quickly capture market transitions and deliver innovative solutions to its customers. Based upon the principles of customer-centricity and operational excellence, Cisco is evolving its organization structure and leadership team for speed, agility, alignment and growth with the following executive appointments:

Gary B. Moore, President and Chief Operating Officer

As President and Chief Operating Officer, Moore is accountable for Cisco‘s end-to-end operations, and will continue to drive alignment across all parts of the company by leading the operational discipline and prioritization required to support the company’s long-term strategy. Moore has architected Cisco‘s transformation, and will deepen the company’s focus on operational excellence while building the business capabilities and talent to enable Cisco's future growth.

Moore is also responsible for Cisco's operations, services, IT, supply chain, marketing and communications, human resources, corporate affairs, transformation office, legal, government affairs, and corporate planning functions.

Rob Lloyd, President, Development and Sales

Lloyd assumes responsibility for Cisco‘s development and sales efforts, as the company creates tighter connections between customer requirements and innovation, along with ensuring greater speed-to-market. Lloyd’s organization will drive alignment and acceleration of Cisco's technology innovation to enable a faster response to market transitions; increased customer relevance; and growth.

Pankaj Patel, executive vice president and chief development officer, will continue to lead Cisco‘s development organization. Chuck Robbins, who previously ran the Americas sales region, will immediately assume Lloyd’s prior role as the head of worldwide sales. Wim Elfrink, executive vice president and chief globalization officer, will continue his focus on emerging solutions and the development of new markets, and will integrate his organization into the development and sales organization. Patel, Elfrink and Robbins will report to Lloyd.

The remainder of Cisco's executive leadership team remains unchanged.

Supporting Quotes:

John Chambers, Chairman and CEO:

“Cloud computing, mobility and Internet of everything are the most network-centric computing transitions that have ever been, and present Cisco with an opportunity to lead the communications and IT industry for the next decade. Today we‘re evolving our organization and developing our leadership team to grasp this opportunity. We’re optimizing the alignment across development and sales, and on the top priorities of our customers, to maximize speed to market and our competitive advantage. At the same time, we are focusing on operational excellence across the company, which creates capacity for innovation, investment and growth.”

Gary Moore, President and COO:

“Today's announcement advances the accountability and operational discipline we reinvigorated 18 months ago. This model will give clear responsibility and accountability for driving faster, more customer-focused innovation and the operational excellence and talent needed to enable it. Together, this will drive us to become the #1 IT and communications company for our customers and partners.”

Rob Lloyd, President, Development and Sales

“I‘m excited about the opportunities ahead of us and look forward to continue bringing the most innovative technology and architecture solutions to market to solve our customers’ pressing business problems. I believe Cisco has the top development and sales team in our industry, and I'm honored to be part of this team. Cisco has never been more relevant to our customers and this will drive great value between sales and development.”


