2024.07.17 (수)

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기상청 제공


Arkadin Expands Globally to Meet Rising Demand for Collaboration Services

New Operations in Europe, Latin America and Asia

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Arkadin, one of the world's largest collaboration service providers, announced that it is expanding its global presence, with new operations this year in Mexico, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Taiwan. Arkadin operates in 30 countries, with over 1,000 employees located close to clients. According to leading analysts, it has the strongest growth record among service providers worldwide. Additional operations are planned for Europe and Latin America in 2013.

The rapid expansion is being fueled by a challenging business environment that requires businesses to seek greater communications efficiencies. With collaboration technologies, business travel can be substantially reduced, resulting in cost savings and reduced carbon outlays.

“Our growth is predicated on a combination of market demand for our comprehensive suite of collaboration solutions, top-tier technology partners and an unrivaled service offering,” says Olivier de Puymorin, Arkadin's CEO. “These factors will continue to propel our expansion in a worldwide economy where collaboration, sharing and collective intelligence are key drivers for success.”

Demand for Conferencing Solutions Strong in Emerging Markets

Leading analysts predict strong growth for audio and web conferencing services over the next few years, especially in emerging markets, ranging from more than 25% in Central and Eastern Europe to more than 40% in Latin America.

Arkadin is well-positioned to meet the demand. In its recently published 2012 Global Conferencing Service Provider Reviews, Wainhouse Research cites Arkadin's leadership among global Service Providers: “Arkadin has consistently been the market leader in year-over-year growth and maintains a track record unparalleled in the industry.”


