2024.07.17 (수)

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기상청 제공


XL Co., Ltd. escaped recession with localization of X-ray equipment that is monopolized by developed countries

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]The size of the medical equipment market has continued to grow by 6.2 percent per year globally. In particular, the overseas X-ray medical equipment market, which determines the performance of the medical diagnosis and application system, has been growing at an average growth rate of 4.2 percent annually, also the sales of its domestic market have been growing at a rate of 18 percent; thus, its future progress is being noted.

However, the level of the domestic medical equipment technology is still far from being sufficient to address the mass production of X-ray tube; thereby, importing most of them from Japan, the US, etc.

X-ray tube is the device to emit X-ray upon colliding with a substance after creating an electron beam that moves at a fast rate. It is being utilized in diagnostic equipment, research analysis equipment, etc. that require precise technologies such as non-destructive testing, environmental analysis, semiconductor process, etc.

Of these, XL Co., Ltd. (CEO Rae Jun Park), a manufacturer of X-ray tube, has been trying to develop technologies of the related products since its inception in 2007 in order to localize a variety of X-ray tubes for industrial and medical use and monotank that can be equipped with them.

The company has drawn attention of the medical equipment industry through successfully fabricating the X-ray tube and the monotank type that has improved sensitivity and resolution in 2008 to match the diffusion of digital detector.

The X-ray tube of XL Co., Ltd., which has the compact design, can be applied for a variety of purposes and even has price competitiveness. Also, it supports the design when adopting the monotank of the new mode equipment.

The monotank of X-ray tube has the simple structure of X-ray generator; thereby, providing operational convenience without requiring a high voltage cable connection. In addition, it minimized power loss and improved quality of X-ray through preventing loss due to operational delay.


