2024.07.13 (토)

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기상청 제공


Leading Analyst Firm Features Datapipe in China Enterprise Cloud Report

Gartner's “Competitive Landscape: Enterprise Cloud IaaS Services in China and India” Names Datapipe as One of Two Hosting Providers With an Enterprise Ready, Cloud in China

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Datapipe, a global provider of cloud hosting and infrastructure for outsourced IT, today announced the company is highlighted in a recent Gartner report, “Competitive Landscape: Enterprise Cloud IaaS Services in China and India.” The research outlines the strategies of several leading companies as they address the cloud infrastructure markets in China and India.

The report details the emerging Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) market and the key competitive forces influencing the marketplace in China and India. The analyst group also outlines significant opportunities for success awaiting providers able to meet the needs of this rapidly growing enterprise space.

According to Gartner, the Cloud IaaS market is set to experience a 31.8 percent compound annual growth rate between 2011 and 2016. The firm also reports providers wishing to address enterprise opportunities must coordinate operations locally -- including cloud infrastructure, sales and support. Gartner notes Datapipe is one such company, “Datapipe... has a global cloud infrastructure, with the ability to support large enterprises with regional requirements in Asia, in particular China. Its ability to support cloud services in China is fairly unique...”

Of particular interest to Gartner is Datapipe's ability to support multiple environments via a single customer portal, streamlining operations and ensuring customers have access to all critical information from a central location.

DatapipeStratosphere® is a high-performance, managed cloud computing platform -- designed to meet enterprise requirements for governance, usability, compliance and interoperability with traditional compute platforms. Datapipe directly operates two cloud data centers in Asia -- Hong Kong and Shanghai. Both are connected via private, high-speed connections to data centers in Europe and the US.

“The Datapipe team has extensive experience deploying global cloud infrastructure that caters to the unique needs of our clients,” said Edvan Chan, Datapipe's Business Director, Asia and Hong Kong. “For our customers in Asia, we provide the global reach, scale and organizational agility they need to effectively compete in the marketplace.”


