2024.07.17 (수)

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기상청 제공


Adbiotech Co., Ltd. released “REVERDIR FGF & EGF Concentrated Ampoule”

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Adbiotech Co., Ltd.(CEO Hong-Gul Jung, www.adbiotech.com), a Korean life science biotech company, released “REVERDIR FGF & EGF Concentrated Ampoule (hereinafter referred as to REVERDIR Ampoule)”, which cares the reduction of cell growth factors in the skin.

“REVERDIR” is the French word of REJUVENATION, whose meaning is to get younger and rejuvenated; thus, it is the brand name to imply the origin of the women who wish to live always in a young and romantic life.

The most important feature of “REVERDIR Ampoule” is a high rate of skin absorption for the raw materials of FGF and EGF. It is necessary to have the supply of EGF and FGF to prevent and recover the aging of skin; however, the existing products, which have been released in the market, had a low absorption rate into the dermis of skin although they have the expensive raw materials.

“REVERDIR Ampoule” has enhanced the rate of skin absorption of FGF and EGF using the newly conceptualized PTD (protein transduction domain) technology in order to overcome the low absorption rate.

In particular, the FGF containment, which generates collagen and elastin that are required to recover the dermis layer of skin and maintain its elasticity, plays a critical role in providing solutions that can solve the fundamental problem of aging.

As for the cosmetics containing FGF and EGF, they generally contain FGF and EGF of less than 1ppm or only a very small amount; however, “REVERDIR Ampoule” of Adbiotech Co., Ltd. draws attention as containing the highest concentration of SP1-FGF1 and SP1-EGF with 10ppm respectively, which are the main raw materials.

The ampoules made in this way help to improve the collapse of the dermal layer, which is the fundamental cause of wrinkles around the eyes and the nasolabial fold. In addition, it has the functions of brightening and moisture enhancement through the management of skin as well as wrinkles, and it is effective for acne marks, skin scars and wound healing as helping the skin recovery after a surgical treatment of decortication and laser.


