2024.07.13 (토)

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기상청 제공


Mega Medical Co., Ltd. opened the 1st branches of “Cell-Line Slimming Clinic” in Thailand

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Mega Medical Co., Ltd. (CEO Byung-Jang Kim, www.megamedical.co.kr), which has been growing consistently as expanding its businesses into the “Cell-Line Slimming Clinic” network business in addition to the manufacture of the ENT diagnostic equipment, has opened the Thailand branch of the Cell-Line Slimming Clinic in order to enter overseas markets in earnest.

“We started recruiting merchants through participating at “Thailand Medical Hub 2012”, which was held in last August in order to enter Thailand market. In particular, getting a lot of assistances from “M&A Medical Supply Co., Ltd”, which was the local distributor for Thailand ENT (ear, nose and throat) of Mega Medical Co., Ltd., made it possible for us to have a successful launching,” Jaui Shin, director of the overseas sales division of Mega Medical Co., Ltd. explained.

Currently, the company has opened the 1st branch, and is scheduled to do open the 2nd branches until the end of this year. The Thailand Cell-Line Slimming Clinic plans to operate the network slimming clinic business actively with the target of opening more than 10 branches in the heart of Bangkok and 20 branches nationwide of Thailand including Pattaya and Chon-buri.

Most clients rely on the aesthetic beauty shops, which are operated for the purpose of general beauty; thereby, being unable to get adequate treatment effect. And they have the fear as to side effects or unprofessional surgical treatments. The measure that is to address these problems is the operation-consulting program of the Cell-Line Slimming Clinic in which professional medical staffs operate treatments.

It is able to build a treatment course with the space of 80~100㎡ in the form of MEDI&SHOP. And it provides the Cell-Q Solution for which the specialists in the field of obesity manage and operate directly as taking the space and interior into consideration through using the Slimming multiplexer (Cell-Q Combi) as well as the single item equipment that are commonly found.

The Slimming multiplexer “Cell-Q Combi”, developed by Mega Medical Co., Ltd. in consideration with the environments of hospitals, is the product that integrates the three functions of Carboxy, medium-low frequency, Lipogun; thereby, being easy to use and giving less pain compared to the other products.

“We plan to expand the Cell-Line network business for overseas into Russia and the Middle-East successively as well as Southeast Asia of Thailand, Indonesia, etc. based on our exporting know-hows obtained from which we have been trading with more than 80 ENT distributors in the 40 countries,” CEO Byung-Jang Kim said.


