2024.07.17 (수)

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기상청 제공


Elemica Appoints New CEO to Accelerate Growth of Cloud-Based Supply Chain Solutions

Technology Industry Veteran John Blyzinskyj Brings Strong Background in Strategic Growth of World Leading Enterprises

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Elemica, the leading provider of supply chain integration and optimization solutions, announced today that the Board of Directors named John Blyzinskyj as the new Chief Executive Officer. The appointment of Mr. Blyzinskyj, a leading global software and enterprise solutions executive, signals a move by the company to drive growth through accelerating product innovation and enhancing customer value. Mr. Blyzinskyj brings with him more than 20 years of relevant global industry experience in the Software and IT Services market, including enterprise supply chain applications within the industrial sector.

“The Board of Directors unanimously agreed that John‘s leadership experience and track record of success are a perfect fit for Elemica as we continue to grow the company,” said Darrell Zavitz, Chairman of the Board of Elemica. “Global industrial manufacturers find themselves with increasingly more distributed and complex supply chains that create significant business challenges. Elemica is uniquely positioned to solve these issues with its robust solution set that creates clear visibility into customer demand and supply chain performance. We are confident that John is the right person to lead the company during this critical and exciting time in Elemica’s history.”

Industrial companies depend on complex business processes that must be automated and integrated to better compete in today‘s global economy. Elemica’s cloud-based solutions allow clients to collaborate with their customers, suppliers and logistics providers to procure, sell and distribute their products more efficiently and reliably. Elemica's scalable and interoperable QuickLink Network together with SmartLink Applications integrate and automate business processes across the entire supply chain. Elemica handles over half a million business documents daily on behalf of clients, representing over $150 billion of annual commercial transactions.

“The world‘s leading global industrial, chemical, tire & rubber, and energy industries are employing Elemica’s solutions to find answers to their toughest supply chain challenges,” said Mr. Blyzinskyj. “It is clear that Elemica stands in a market-leading position where there are significant opportunities to help clients solve consequential and burning issues. More and more customers tell us that they benefit from deploying our powerful combination of solutions. Our industrial strength supply chain integration network and real-time business process applications enable clients to effectively grow and scale their eCommerce business. I am excited about our company's future prospects, as we continue to add value to both new and existing customers.”


