2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


CARETEK Co., Ltd. released VGA class high definition medical endoscope “AV-SCOPE Ⅱ”

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]CARETEK Co., Ltd. (CEO, Sung Yong Lee, www.caretek.co.kr), a manufacturer specialized in medical endoscope, released the medical endoscope “AV-SCOPE Ⅱ”, which has been upgraded to VGA class high definition.

“We enhanced the performance and resolution as adopting the VGA class camera and LED light source method through this upgrade, and also we developed it so that the image saving function and the monitor images can be connected to the external monitor.” the official of CARETEK Co., Ltd. said.

AV-Scope (Attach Video Scope) is the auxiliary equipment to support users to use the airway intubation conveniently and safely in such places as emergency, operating room, intensive care unit, emergency service, etc. It is composed of the 2.3 inches TFT LCD monitor that can be attached to the existing laryngoscope handle and blade, the ultra-compact camera part (VGA) to capture images of a mouth and the light source (LED).

It does not take much time to operate the equipment since it is possible to use it as attaching an endoscope to a laryngoscope that is widely available. And disinfection is also convenient since it is possible to cleanse it through separating it upon a surgical treatment.

In addition, it is possible to do utilize it continuously if possessing a large number of cameras, and the charge battery (Li-polymer) is installed in the smart 2.3 inches TFT LCD monitor; thereby, making it possible to manage data conveniently through the always-on recording function.

Earlier, CARETEK Co., Ltd. received good responses from the domestic and overseas medical equipment companies and buyers as showcasing AV-Scope II that had the newly added functions at the Gangwon Medical Equipment Exhibition (GMES 2012).

The company has so far acquired the KFDA certification and the CE certification; thereby, starting its full-fledged sales at home and abroad. The company has completed signing the distributor contract with the distributors of the nation’s seven major cities, the National Emergency Management Agency and the military field, and it is supplying the products to the hospitals such as Wonju Christian Hospital and the emergency medicine classes of the universities nationwide.

In particular, the company embarks on its full-fledged sales in the 10 overseas countries such as Japan, China, India, Thailand, Russia, Chile, etc. And it plans to accelerate its efforts to enter overseas markets through participating at the Medical device Exhibition in Moscow, Russia, which will be held from December 3 to 7 and the Arab Health Exhibition, which will be held in January 28 to 31 next year.

“We have ensured the outstanding performance in terms of convenience and safety in addition to the functional aspect through this upgrade, we have also ensured price competitiveness with low cost,” CEO Sung Yong Lee said. “We plan to try to explore sales channels and increase exports through aggressive promotion marketing at home and abroad.”


