2024.07.02 (화)

  • 흐림동두천 21.0℃
  • 흐림강릉 21.9℃
  • 서울 22.0℃
  • 흐림대전 24.8℃
  • 흐림대구 25.4℃
  • 흐림울산 23.6℃
  • 흐림광주 30.8℃
  • 흐림부산 24.7℃
  • 구름많음고창 30.2℃
  • 구름조금제주 33.0℃
  • 흐림강화 21.6℃
  • 흐림보은 23.0℃
  • 흐림금산 28.4℃
  • 구름많음강진군 30.1℃
  • 흐림경주시 23.5℃
  • 구름많음거제 24.8℃
기상청 제공


Tektronix Receives A2LA Accreditation in Japan, China for ISO 17025 Calibration Standard

[By NBC-1TV J. H Yook]Tektronix, Inc., the world's leading provider of multi-vendor instrument calibration, repair and related services, today announced that it has received American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) accreditation in Japan and China for ISO 17025 calibration. This accreditation, along with multiple other international accreditations, allows Tektronix to offer ISO 17025 calibration services for thousands of electrical and RF instruments from hundreds of manufacturers on a global basis. Accreditation assures customers of consistent calibration quality and reduces the number and duration of audits.

The demanding ISO 17025 accreditation standard is increasingly being required by international companies. In Japan and China, the A2LA accreditation for Tektronix covers all major parameters including DC/AC Voltage - Generate/Measure, DC/AC Current - Generate, DC Current - Measure, DC Resistance - Generate/Measure, Capacitance - Generate, Frequency - Generate, Oscilloscope Calibrator and Oscilloscope up to 1.1 GHz.

“This accreditation by A2LA reflects the significant long-term investments Tektronix has made in equipment, site infrastructures, and people in both China and Japan,” said Bernie Duffy, vice president and general manager of Service at Tektronix. “Obtaining A2LA accreditation required that we meet rigorous quality and technical requirements and underscores our commitment to delivering the industry's highest quality calibration services.”

With internationally recognized A2LA accreditation, Tektronix showcases its growing multi-vendor instrument calibration capabilities on a global basis. In May, Tektronix‘ Beijing service center received ISO 17025 accreditation from the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS). In July, Tektronix’ Bangalore service center received accreditation from India's National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL). Then in August, Tektronix received accreditation from DAkkS, a Germany accreditation body, covering all countries in the European community.

In Japan, Tektronix is only one of two OEM calibration laboratories with A2LA ISO 17025 accreditation. In China, Tektronix has the only laboratory with both A2LA and CNAS accreditation. International accreditation allows multi-national companies based in Japan or China to obtain consistent calibration services at multiple locations around the world from a single service provider.

A2LA is a nonprofit, non-governmental, public service, membership society. A2LA provides comprehensive services in laboratory accreditation based on internationally accepted criteria for competence. Laboratories accredited by A2LA have been shown to have higher performance, quality and consistency when compared to laboratories lacking such accreditation.

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