2024.07.01 (월)

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기상청 제공


New Holland Agriculture Gold Sponsor of Sustainable Innovation Forum Alongside COP18

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]New Holland Agriculture announced its support of the Sustainable Innovation Forum as Gold Sponsor and its participation in one of the event's three plenary panel sessions. Hosted by Climate Action in partnership with UNEP alongside the Doha 2012 Climate Change Conference (COP18), the Sustainable Innovation Forum will bring together over 500 senior figures from business, governments and NGOs on 6 December to discuss how to mobilize public-private partnerships, the challenges of sustainable urbanization with an ever-increasing population, and the latest advances in technology and innovation.

Gaurav Sood, Head of Crop Solutions at New Holland Fiat India, will take part as a panelist in the Third Plenary panel session Technology and Innovation: accelerating the green economy, which will focus on the latest breakthroughs in green technologies and innovations being developed by business and industry. He will bring to the discussion more than 20 years of experience in the agriculture industry, his ability to evaluate agricultural trends and assess appropriate farming technologies and equipment, and his expertise in biomass collection systems.

“Climate change represents one of the greatest challenges of our age,” commented Franco Fusignani, New Holland Agriculture Brand Leader, “but it can also be seen as an opportunity to catalyze a transition to a low-carbon, resource efficient, sustainable agriculture.”

New Holland‘s commitment to the environment has led to its pioneering Clean Energy Leader strategy, which was launched in 2006 to look for practical and accessible ways to reconcile the needs of the agricultural industry with increasingly urgent calls for action to protect the environment. This strategy has led to heavy investment in its own low emissions engine technology together with its sister, powertrain manufacturer FPT Industrial; as a result, New Holland today offers the widest range of Tier 4A compliant products in the industry with 33 tractors and 18 harvesters. It has also led to New Holland’s involvement in the biomass industry in Europe, North America, Brazil and India, where it works with industry-leading biomass operations.

New Holland Agriculture‘s participation in this important Forum is testament to its commitment to supporting local farming communities through a smooth transition to sustainable development while protecting natural resources for future generations. New Holland has been working in agricultural projects around the world to ease countries’ transitions to sustainable mechanized farming, integrating innovation and good practices to provide efficient solutions that optimize the use of resources and increase productivity while cutting costs, fuel consumption and emissions.

The correct use of the appropriate machinery is key in making the most of scarce resources, and New Holland has the widest product offering in the industry, supported by a global manufacturing and R&D network in order to tailor its machines - from basic specification, easy to maintain machines, to the most advanced, high productivity technologies - to the different conditions around the world. One of these is the TD5 tractor on display at the venue: shown for the first time in the Middle East, this simple-to-maintain tractor delivers a powerful and versatile performance combined with very low emissions and exceptional fuel efficiency.

Mechanization, combined with the appropriate farming techniques, can make a huge difference in obtaining the most from scarce resources, optimizing the use of land, water and fertilizer. New Holland has the expertise to help farmers adopt the most efficient farming practices for their local conditions and the capability to bring in experts in complementary specialties, such as irrigation and cultivation techniques. Skilled operators and service technicians are also critical to a successful transition to mechanization, which is why New Holland Agriculture views training as essential when supplying agricultural equipment.

“Sustainable mechanized farming is not just good for the environment,” added Franco Fusignani, “it makes sense business-wise. When agriculture is approached with a long term vision of sustainable growth that aims to protect from the damaging effects of inappropriate agricultural practices, such a healthy agriculture is good for our business, good for the environment, and good for the local community. It uses natural resources efficiently, contributing to their preservation, is cost effective and productive, and it opens opportunities for further development.”


