2024.07.17 (수)

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기상청 제공


UK Laboratory Develops Amazing Fetal Ultrasound Image Technology

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Seeing the first ultrasound image of your baby is a life-changing moment for any parents. However, the resulting imagery ‘although having come along way since 2D’ has still yet to produce the type of definition found in an actual photograph, that was up until now. Following two years of confidential development, one UK company is about to launch ground-breaking technology that can display any existing ultrasound image with breathtaking clarity.

The company‘s founder, Dr. Lissette Torres-Cabrera, pioneered the technology after having experienced complications during the pregnancy of her first child three years ago. She recalls, “Being the mother in such circumstances is very different to that of being the doctor, you worry just as much as any other mother, so being able to retain a strong bond with your child in a situation like that is so important for you both. I found myself focusing on my ultrasound image, which helped me to remain calm and connected - ’sight' being one of our strongest senses. This became the catalyst for the development, with the intention to provide families with a lasting connection,” says Torres Cabrera.

She continues, “The most amazing aspect of our CEIP (Corrective Enhancement Imagery Program) is that the mother doesn‘t require a special scan, any regular 3/4D scan is all that’s needed. The system is able to re-engineer existing imagery to create an ultra-clear image, allowing you ‘for the first time’ to see your unborn baby from within the womb with remarkable detail. It's the closest thing to seeing your baby before birth.”

Using ‘structural’ information from the original image, data characteristics are analysed and the system is able to differentiate between the degraded image area and that of a higher resolution - the latter being the area that is isolated and then captured. These images are then individually enhanced using CEIP, before being re-engineered to create a layering effect - where required the orientation of the image is changed to facilitate the reconstruction.

Leading industry experts are already showing an interest in the technology. Professor Kypros Nicolaides, the world‘s leading authority on Obstetrics and director of the Harris Birthright Research Centre for Fetal Medicine at King’s College Hospital, was the first to privately review the pioneering work and confirm that the imagery was the most advanced he has ever seen stating, “The images are absolutely stunning and the detail is truly amazing...”

The new technology provides a game-changing advancement in ultrasound image recognition and is poised to provide parents with a unique opportunity to see their baby's face like never before.

“We are rapidly changing the way that expectant parents see their children for the first time. This is a pivotal moment in the life of any parent and we're delighted to be leading the industry in making it as memorable a moment as possible,” Torres-Cabrera concludes.

Those wanting to experience what ‘Sense My Baby’ has to offer, won‘t have to wait long; the technology is due to become commercially available within weeks. Although it comes at a price, it is sure to be the ’must have' accessory for all mums-to-be.

To find out more about Sense My Baby - view images / video transition, as well as be notified of the technology's commercial launch, please visit: http://www.sensemybaby.com


