2024.07.02 (화)

  • 흐림동두천 22.1℃
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  • 흐림대전 26.2℃
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  • 박무울산 24.3℃
  • 흐림광주 29.7℃
  • 흐림부산 24.3℃
  • 흐림고창 29.3℃
  • 구름많음제주 32.2℃
  • 흐림강화 21.3℃
  • 흐림보은 24.0℃
  • 흐림금산 29.0℃
  • 흐림강진군 29.0℃
  • 흐림경주시 23.9℃
  • 구름많음거제 24.7℃
기상청 제공


The 7th Citi-Kyung Hee University NGOs Internship Program

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Citibank Korea (CEO Yung-Ku Ha, www.citibank.co.kr) held a sponsorship ceremony with Kyung Hee University (President In-Won Cho, www.khu.ac.kr) to support the 7th Citi-Kyung Hee University NGOs Internship Program at Citibank HQ bldg. December 21, 2012. The program, first started in 2006, is designed to help develop civil society as well as nurture young generation who will lead NGOs in the future. It is sponsored by Citibank Korea and organized by the Graduate School of Public Policy & Civic Engagement at Kyung Hee University. Trainings and varied activities are led by NGO staff in major cities across the nation.

Any NGOs that have full-time staff and showed strong track record for the last 2 years in 16 metropolitan cities across the country are eligible to be part of the program. And students attending four-year universities, including master’s courses, as of November 2012, can apply for participation in the program as far as he/she has an interest and willingness to join the NGO activities. 100 students selected this year will work for one of 73 NGOs as full-time interns for 8 weeks from December 24, 2012 through February 15, 2013 during their winter vacation.

The internship program is not just about giving the students internship experience during the vacation period or providing NGOs with short-term manpower. Rather, it focuses on the longer term, aiming at growing young leaders who will drive development of NGOs and lead the next generation NGOs. As such, keen interest, experiences, and constant commitment to NGO activities were the key criteria in selecting internship participants. The internship students will receive orientation which includes training courses on the roles and functions of NGOs in civil society as well as current programs and activities of NGOs. Throughout the internship period, they will learn how NGOs work, and explore various opportunities on how NGOs can enhance matured citizenship and engage in social changes. They will take part in diverse activities designed to draw attention to the underprivileged people and raise awareness about the sense of community. Internship participants are paid for two months and will receive certificates after the completion of the course.

CEO Yung-Ku Ha of Citibank Korea said, “Citi has supported 587 students obtain diverse experience in about 70 different NGOs for the past six years. I hope that this program will help students to gain diverse experience in our society, and at the same time, help NGOs address staff shortage and raise social awareness about their activities.” Dean Dong-Soo Lee of Graduate School of NGO Studies, Kyung Hee University, who led the planning and running of the program said, “Students will learn through NGO internship experience how their participation can make a difference to the communities. Furthermore, it would be a good chance for them to realize the importance and joy of sharing and volunteering and see how they can change themselves through helping others.”


