2024.07.01 (월)

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  • 구름조금보은 29.3℃
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  • 구름많음경주시 33.3℃
  • 구름많음거제 26.9℃
기상청 제공


Dachis Group Announces the Launch of Social Business Summit 2013

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Dachis Group, a leading data-driven social marketing solutions firm, today announced the schedule for the fourth annual Social Business Summit 2013 global series, taking place in seven cities across four continents throughout 2013.

Oracle will be the exclusive sponsor of Dachis Group's Social Business Summit 2013.

The Social Business Summit 2013 global series will take place in Tokyo on February 6th, Austin on March 7th, Shanghai on April 11th, Mumbai on May 23rd, London on June 20th, Sao Paulo on July 25th, and New York on September 19th.

Over the years, Dachis Group's Social Business Summit series has become the “must attend” event for anyone interested in data-driven social marketing and social business. The series has grown significantly, expanding from one summit in 2009 to seven summits in 2013, engaging thousands of industry practitioners, senior executives, and thought leaders. Social Business Summit 2013 is a global invitation-only series that explores the most progressive ideas in data-driven social marketing and social business, fosters an ongoing dialog among participants, and engages social business and social marketing practitioners in real-time at day-long events around the globe.

“As companies have moved beyond evangelism and adoption of social in their business processes, it is incredibly exciting to meet with peers, colleagues, customers, global marketers, and world-renowned thought leaders to share ideas, exchange information, and push the boundaries of social business,” said Jeffrey Dachis, Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Dachis Group. “This coming year's focus on data-driven social marketing optimization will further provide global marketers with a platform to hone in on the real world benefits of being a social business.”

“We are thrilled to be the exclusive sponsor of Dachis Group's Social Business Summit 2013 series,” said Oracle Senior Vice President Reggie Bradford. “Given the impressive history of the Social Business Summit series, we look forward to working with Dachis Group to help spread the word on the real-life impact social has on businesses.”


