2024.06.30 (일)

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기상청 제공


Franklin Templeton Investments Deploys Riva Transfer Agent Software Solution

[By NBC-1TV H. JYook]Riva Financial Systems Limited today announced the global deployment of its Riva Transfer Agent (“Riva TA”) software solution across Franklin Templeton Investments' international transfer agency operations.

“We are very pleased to announce that Franklin Templeton has successfully converted its international transfer agency operations to Riva's software, marking the culmination of a project that is unprecedented in terms of scale and complexity,” said Ghassan Hakim, CEO of Riva Financial Systems.

The deployment of Riva TA marks the realization of Franklin Templeton's long-term goal of having a flexible, portable and scalable solution wherever its funds are sold and supported, and reducing its overall development costs. Riva TA will ensure rapid time-to-market transfer agency solutions in new as well as existing markets for Franklin Templeton, and provide on-going opportunities to create operational efficiencies.

Paul Brady, senior vice president and operations director at Franklin Templeton Investments, commented, “This transition from our legacy system is a remarkable achievement for both organisations. The Riva system will now support all of our cross border clients in countries across Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Latin America on a single efficient global platform, delivering a standardised service and operational model supplemented with regional features. As our global business continues to expand, this solution will allow us to move quickly to be ready to support our clients' needs in any new markets we enter.”

Jennifer Johnson, executive vice president and chief operating officer of Franklin Templeton Investments, said, “Franklin Templeton was initially introduced to Riva Financial Systems after a long search for a sophisticated transfer agency software solution with the ability to support Franklin Templeton‘s global reach and complexity. We are seeing great benefits from our strategic joint venture with Riva, and Franklin Templeton’s global system conversion is an exciting milestone.”


