2024.06.29 (토)

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기상청 제공


Combining Breakthrough Technology, a Stunning User Experience, and Real-Time Access to Critical Information

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]DirectTrack X (DTX), the next generation of the industry‘s pioneer affiliate tracking software, is now launched, live, and available for use. This release of DirectTrack X marks the most significant product launch in the company’s history and is the result of years of development and unprecedented collaboration between DirectTrack and its customers.

“DirectTrack X embodies a new class of performance marketing software that revolutionizes the way networks, advertisers, and brands gather, analyze, and act upon the constant stream of big data,” said George Bordo, General Manager for Direct Response Technologies. “DirectTrack has always been known as a leader in features and functionality, but now with its new, more flexible architecture, our clients are better able to accelerate growth and pivot with the fast-paced performance marketing industry.”

Leaders within performance marketing are under increasing pressure to drive immediate results with fewer resources, quickly react to growing customer demands, and gain faster insights into business and industry data. Billions of clicks occur daily in the fast-paced world of online advertising and brand promotion. DTX allows clients to easily sort through the clutter, uncover trends, and expose hidden growth channels - all while keeping pace in an industry that is constantly changing to meet shifting consumer demand.

“In the highly competitive and fast-moving performance marketing industry, our advantage comes from our ability to know more and make smarter decisions in real time,” said Mohammad Khartabil, Director of Performance Advertising at ikoo, an integrated digital marketing solution provider based in Dubai. “Not only does the DTX platform allow us to be more effective today, it's the only platform that will allow us to take full advantage of new verticals, marketing channels, and revenue paths that will open as the industry continues to evolve. DirectTrack X is a game-changing platform.”

With its flexible framework and more advanced architecture, DirectTrack X allows its clients to quickly build profitable relationships, innovate, and drive business success via social, mobile, gaming, or any other accelerated marketing channel. It fundamentally changes the way digital marketing professionals gather information, analyze big data, and attack new marketing channels.

“Not only was DirectTrack X developed to surmount today's challenges, it was built to overcome the barriers the performance marketing industry will face tomorrow and far into the future,” added Bordo. “Today, our clients need technology solutions to overcome a myriad of challenges including mobile, social, Do Not Track, and relationship profiling. DTX was developed with these technology solutions already in place, as well as with a flexible architecture that allows us to meet the demands of our industry as it matures, grows, and changes.”

To witness the full power of the new DirectTrack X platform and discuss its breakthrough features, visit Meet Market table #84 or Booth #223/225 at Affiliate Summit West on January 13-15 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. For more information, visit www.directtrack.com/dt/asw13.


