2024.06.30 (일)

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기상청 제공


BMO's Lloyd George Management Frontier Markets Funds Surpass US$250 Million in Assets Under Management

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Lloyd George Management (LGM), a member of BMO Global Asset Management, has surpassed US$250 million in assets under management for its Frontier Markets equity strategy.

Frontier Markets consist of countries with market-oriented economies in the early stages of economic development, reflecting many of the same characteristics of the original Global Emerging Markets - such as China and India - some 20 years ago.

Since its launch in December 2011, LGM‘s Frontier Markets strategy composite has returned 42.9 percent (gross of all fees, in USD terms to December 31, 2012)(1), which compares favorably to the strategy’s benchmark return of 12.7 percent over the period (in USD terms). The Frontier Markets equity strategy is available to institutional investors in Canada, the U.S. and internationally.

LGM‘s Frontier Markets team is led by Senior Portfolio Manager Thomas Vester Nielsen, CFA. Mr. Vester Nielsen is supported by two experienced Frontier Markets Analysts: Dafydd Lewis, CFA, and Donatas Uzkurelis. This core team has been working together since the strategy’s inception and is supported by Robert Lloyd George and Dr. Greg Mills, specialist advisors on Asia and Africa, respectively.

“Under Thomas' leadership, our Frontier Markets strategy has captured the attention and support of institutional investors around the world,” said Barry McInerney, Co-CEO, BMO Global Asset Management Inc. “The growth of this segment of our business has, in part, helped validate our view that there are significant untapped investing opportunities in Frontier Markets for those who have the required expertise and knowledge of this space.”

“Extending our Emerging Markets equity strategies to include Frontier Markets greatly enhances the opportunities we can provide our clients,” stated Mr. Vester Nielsen. “We're delighted that this fund has captured the attention of institutional investors globally. Moving forward, our focus remains to invest in strong franchises stewarded by prudent management teams on a diversified basis.”


