2024.06.30 (일)

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기상청 제공


New Boutique Consulting Firm Firebird International Offers Direct Content Sales to Broadcast/Digital Media Buyers in Russia, C.I.S. for US Film Makers, Studios

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Firebird International, staffed by experts in various technology and media-related fields, who have worked actively for years in Russia and the C.I.S., is actively seeking clients who produce high-quality generalized and niche content to sell for international broadcast and digital distribution. The company already represents studios, content aggregators and distributors and markets 100,000 plus hours of films, tv shows, adult entertainment, and music that it sells with and without associated technology products on behalf of its clients to Russia and C.I.S.-based partners including television and cable networks, IPTV services, telecoms, streaming media Web sites, and local media re-sellers.

Firebird, via its own studios in the region, provides same-day, inexpensive, professional content dubbing and closed-captioning services in Russian and all other regional languages as well as digital translation for interactive content and gaming platforms. Goldstein, who has been one of the first to facilitate the sale of media in the region for companies including Time Warner, Disney, MTV, Nickelodeon, Fox, National Geographic and more, wants to see Firebird become the top provider of easy-access digital content to Russia and the C.I.S. The company is currently developing an online B2B marketplace for real-time sales to registered buyers. “Many of the larger studios,” says Goldstein, “have only recently begun to feel comfortable selling broadcast content in Russia. Now, all of a sudden, they need to be able to sell the content across several platforms, and in many countries, as, with the expansion of accessible technologies, the demand for content is exponentially increasing.”

Recent reports from Price Waterhouse Coopers note Russia's unprecedented recent jump in ranking among content buyers and predict it will be the third largest market in the world for content by 2015. “A lot of the content now being demanded,” says Goldstein, “is digital content, purchased by streaming and gradual download Web sites, IPTV networks, and telecoms. However, as traditional, Russia and C.I.S. broadcast networks are converting to digital and trying to compete on the Internet, they too are scrambling for distribution rights and dubbed or close-captioned digital content. When original rights were given, rampant digital technology expansion across countries was not taken into account for, so we see a lot of studios left to sort out what content their partners do and do not have exclusive rights to. As the region has more and more entertainment hungry mouths, across eight time zones, to feed, every day, we are hoping that even companies with existing operations will come to us to let us help sort out legal parameters and market content for optimal sale in the most productive manner as we expand and ready for the launch of the on-line platform, that should help to once and for all simplify these transactions and allow for more steady, real-time fulfillment of market demand and provide steady revenues.” Firebird, through its clients and partners, also has the ability to sell the content directly to consumers in Russia and the C.I.S. via iTunes and similar platforms and offers digital provisioning capabilities for companies that need them. “Essentially, we provide a very full service package for quality content providers of all sorts, with varying goals and interests, looking to gain and expand market presence.”

Firebird is dedicated to not only working with established brands but helping smaller producers get their products formatted, translated and monetized in the region. Goldstein says, “We are not only willing but very eager to represent promising new production companies, of all sizes, and help them build brands and make more money faster to build national operations. We have gone through this sort of scenario many times before, and it really makes a lot of sense. Why try and push your way into hugely saturated markets still dominated by the major studios when there are markets with equal to or more spending power, significantly higher demand, and less brand awareness? Also, we can help make an unknown US or European brand into a Russia and C.I.S. sensation very quickly, allowing clients to gain added income from merchandising and co-branding agreements.”


