2024.06.26 (수)

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기상청 제공


Towards 2020 and Beyond -- Open Mobile Alliance to Deliver Unique Mobile Future Concepts at Mobile World Congress 2013

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]The Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) announced today that it will be holding a demonstration day at the world's largest mobile industry event, Mobile World Congress on Wednesday, February 27, 2013. The event will give an insight into innovative mobile technologies from OMA members and global industry leaders including: Huawei, Telecom Italia, Interop Technologies, Comverse, CSR, Sensinode, Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS), Gemalto, Red Bend and Invisitrack.

Visitors to Hall 8.0, Theatre C of the Fira Gran Via, Barcelona will see a variety of groundbreaking speaking sessions and unique demonstrations in this four-hour spectacular. Hot topics such as M2M, Mobile Federated Social Networks, Rich Communications Services (RCS), Small Cell Networks, Future Internet, Augmented Reality, Mobile Advertising and Location-based Services (LBS) are all included in the agenda.

All demonstrations will be enabled by specifications developed by member companies within OMA. Attendees will be given the opportunity to see how OMA enablers can help deploy products and services with the broadest reach and are interoperable across networks, devices and geographic boundaries.

“We are excited to demonstrate how OMA Enablers are driving developments in the mobile industry and how this is enabling the next generation of technology at one of the world‘s leading mobile events,” said Seth Newberry, General Manager of the Open Mobile Alliance. “We are proud to be working with some of the world’s leading vendors and operators participating in this event who are already using OMA Enablers across the industry to deploy a range of mobile applications.”

“The development and success of the mobile industry has been based on open standards and interoperability, which enable non-discriminatory and healthy competition, economies of scale and openness,” said Francesco Vadalà of Telecom Italia and Chairman of the OMA Technical Plenary. “This is what we do in OMA -- we produce mobile Service Enabler specifications used to create interoperable services across countries, operators and mobile terminals. And at Mobile World Congress 2013, you will see a sample of OMA Service Enabler specifications come to life.”


