2024.06.26 (수)

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기상청 제공


The International dmexco Satellite Series Stops Off in Vienna

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]The dmexco is in high demand especially among the international exhibitors -- a fact which is already clearly evident for the 2013 show. In the scope of this year's Satellite series the dmexco is offering selected companies from the digital environment of the entire European industry an initial preview of the contents of the expo: In cooperation with its Austrian representative and marketing partner Werbeplanung.at, the sponsor GDM Digital and for the first time also with the collaboration of the IAB Austria, the exclusive networking event series will be informing the top decision-makers about current themes as well as about the Country Pavilions of the dmexco 2013. Further Satellite destinations are Great Britain and the Netherlands -- all further information can be found at http://www.dmexco.de/Satellites_2013-e.

In their capacity as the most important networking event series of the international digital industry, the dmexco Satellites have firmly established themselves as a fixture in the diaries of the top European decision-makers. So, selected companies from the digital environment of the Austrian industry should already note down the date February 14th, 2013: Namely, on that evening the international dmexco Satellite series 2013 will be staging an exclusive business dinner at the MOYA -- Museum of Young Arts -- amid the historical setting of Vienna‘s Palais Schönborn. In addition to exclusive networking at the highest level, the event staged in the heart of the Austrian capital will also be addressing current themes of the digital industry as well as presenting the concept of this year’s Austrian Country Pavilion at the dmexco 2013. Thus, the event will offer all of the guests an excellent opportunity to gather information on the huge potential that participating in the leading international expo and conference for the entire digital industry brings with it. The Austrian representative and marketing partner Werbeplanung.at will be providing support in organising the Satellite event in Vienna together with the IAB Austria. The Satellite event in Vienna is being sponsored by GDM Digital, one of the pioneers of Media Exchange Buying. London and Amsterdam (March 27th, 2013) are also on the itinerary of the event series. Everything you need to know about this year's dmexco Satellites is posted at http://www.dmexco.de/Satellites_2013-e.

Siamac Alexander Rahnavard, Managing Director DACH at GDM Digital: “For us as a real-time bidding service provider, Austria is one of the most significant markets in Europe. The dmexco itself is one of the most important shows on the theme of online marketing. The Satellite events combine both, providing as such an excellent opportunity to develop in good time a feeling for the trends, needs and innovations and get in line for the main event later in the autumn.”

Frank Schneider, Marketing, Sales & Operations Director, dmexco: “Companies from the digital industry are betting on the dmexco: I am confident that we will be able to increase the over 20% share of international exhibitors in 2013. The demand is unbroken, despite the generally difficult economic situation, the digital industry is experiencing growth in all countries. We are looking forward to the next show!”


