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기상청 제공


OMA Announces Line Up of Demonstrations at Mobile World Congress 2013

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]The Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) will showcase unique demonstrations from Huawei and Telecom Italia, amongst others, in a four-hour session at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Recently announced, the event will take place on 27 February in the Theater District, Hall 8.0, Theater C of the Fira Gran Via.

With presentations and demonstrations from some of the industry's leading vendors and operators, attendees are sure to gain an exclusive preview into up and coming technologies, across the entire wireless value chain, some of which are not yet commercially available.

Augmented reality will be addressed by Huawei and Telecom Italia, both showcasing the OMA MobAR (Mobile Augmented Reality) Enabler. Huawei will be showing its Smart Life software, which provides users with information in a 3D mode, using cameras rather than keywords to search and find what they need. Telecom Italia will demonstrate its Augmented Reality app receiving information and content based on geo-location information and user preferences from a server in the network, which can be displayed in real-time camera-view on the device.

Telecom Italia will also be addressing social media and will show how users belonging to different social media networks can interact, exchange activities and see reactions using federated mobile social networks, while keeping control over where their social data is used. Some extra features will also be presented, showing how proximity technologies such as mobile smart-codes or NFC can be used to trigger interaction between users. This demo will be based on the OMA SNeW (Social Network Web) Enabler.

Huawei will exhibit the OMA UVE (Unified Virtual Experience) Enabler for multi-screen sharing, through LiveShare. Currently not commercially available, this solution enables users to share content and screen views across devices including smartphones, tablets and smart TVs, as well communicating simultaneously with others.

In support of the OMA draft standard VirMO (Virtualization Management Object), Red Bend Software will show how different entities can manage each virtualized OS on a dual-persona smartphone used for BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Using OMA DM-based management infrastructure, mobile operators can manage the consumer‘s personal phone, while enterprise IT administrators can manage the consumer’s work phone.

Gemalto will be demonstrating its Device Management Expert, enabling telecom operators to reduce costs and stimulate data usage, by being able to standardize configuration and manage settings and application downloads on Android smartphones.

M2M will be a hot topic as the mobile industry looks at the growth of M2M device connections. This will be reflected in a session by Telecom Italia and Telecomunicazioni & Informatica, which will show a solution for Home Automation focused on integrating M2M Devices into Mobile Operators‘ Networks, even if those Devices aren’t natively able to do so. This demo uses an OMA-DM M2M Gateway, bringing to life an OMA driven value chain.

Smart Home applications over next generation M2M will be presented by the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS), showing the migration path for operators from a human communication paradigm towards Machine Type Communication (MTC). The demonstration will feature remote automation through mobile connectivity, near field communication, location and presence information, and user-defined policies to automate light and air conditioning.

Sensinode will show a complete device to cloud lightweight M2M asset management solution for outdoor lighting control. The system demonstrates the new OMA draft Lightweight M2M (LWM2M) Enabler, giving the global marketplace an open standard approach.

Location-based Services (LBS) will be demonstrated by some ground breaking technology from Invisitrack Inc that will evolve location awareness for enterprise, consumer and public safety that uses commonly available LTE signals for positioning.

CSR will be showcasing SiRFusion location technology, offering accurate indoor and outdoor navigation capability. The demonstration will feature services such as location based security and proximity awareness in addition to indoor navigation.

Comverse, Inc. and Interop Technologies will offer an overview of two different Rich Communication Services (RCS) and messaging solutions. The Comverse RCS/joyn and Next-Generation MultiVAS demonstrations will show how CSPs can make a smooth transition to the digital era. This leverages the evolution to all-IP/4G to increase revenues by harnessing data growth, enriching services with omni-device capabilities, integration with Internet services and more -- while reducing costs. Interop Technologies will demonstrate its RCS solution that incorporates the required IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) functions into the RCS server itself. This allows operators to launch RCS with or without an IMS core saving costs and complexity when deploying RCS in the network.

The demonstrations, all enabled by specifications developed by OMA member companies, will give attendees the opportunity to see how OMA Enablers can help deploy products and services with the broadest reach and are interoperable across networks, devices and geographic boundaries.

This unique session can be seen on Wednesday February 27, 2013 in the Theater District, Hall 8.0, Theater C, from 15.00 - 19.00. To register to attend this event, please contact Elizabeth Rose eRose@omaorg.org.

This event will also be open to a limited number of journalists to obtain previews of the demonstrations and the chance to speak to the companies attending. To register for a press pass to this event please contact Emma Johnson emma.johnson@proactive-pr.com.

About Mobile World Congress 2013

The GSMA Mobile World Congress, which will be held 25-28 February 2013 at Fira Gran Via in Barcelona, is recognized as the mobile industry‘s must-attend event. The 2013 Mobile World Congress is set to attract more than 70,000 attendees from the world’s largest and most influential mobile operators, software companies, equipment providers, Internet companies, organizations in industry sectors such as financial services, healthcare, media, transport and utilities, as well as many government delegations.

Mobile World Congress includes an industry-leading conference with C-level speakers from around the world; an exhibition showcasing innovative mobile technologies, products and services; a developer-focused programme; a government and ministerial programme; as well as sponsored educational programmes and free seminars.


