2024.06.26 (수)

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기상청 제공


Korea Raises Asian Standard in AMI Treatment

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook] Specialists at home and abroad gathered to discuss how to reduce the mortality rates of acute myocardial infarction (AMI), which is the main cause of sudden death and leads to more than 9,000 deaths annually in Korea.

The Korean Society of Interventional Cardiology (KSIC, www.ksic.org) and the Korean Society of Cardiology (KSC, www.circulation.or.kr) presented a roadmap to improve treatment results and establish an Asian treatment standard for AMI during a symposium titled ‘Raising Asia Standard,’ held yesterday in the Grand Hyatt Seoul, Korea.

Korea's 30-day AMI in-hospital mortality rate reached 6.9% in 2011. In terms of age-sex standardized OECD mortality in 2009, the rate was still 6.3%, far higher than in Australia (3.2%), the US (4.3%) and Denmark (2.3%) as well as the OECD average (5.4%). But, it was lower than in Japan (9.7%) and Singapore (8.2%).(*1)

In addition, Korea‘s AMI mortality within one year after hospital discharge was 8.1% in 2010, so well-established management for AMI patients is needed. OECD said that Korea should improve its health system to increase the quality of medical services. In a report titled ‘OECD Health Care Quality Review: Korea,’ published in February 2012, OECD emphasized the improvement of quality of care for cardiovascular diseases by establishing registration for patients at risk in order to deliver long term monitoring services and follow-up services.

Despite high death rates and the lack of a national management system, establishing a health system for AMI patients -- before they arrive at hospital, during hospitalization and after discharge from hospital -- is at an early stage in Asia. A survey of Asian member countries by KSIC last year showed that Singapore (Singapore Myocardial Infarction Registry) and Malaysia (National Heart Association of Malaysia) are the only countries that monitor one-year AMI mortality rates across the nation.

Against this backdrop, KSIC has launched ‘Raising Asia Standard (RAS)’ campaign. During the symposium, KSIC introduced educational and PR programs to increase public access to disease information, while stressing the need for an advanced registry to conduct statistical studies at the national level based on monitoring results.

“The RAS campaign will provide an opportunity to help streamline the emergency medical system and improve the quality of healthcare services across all AMI treatment areas in Korea,” said KSIC Chairman Jang Yang-soo. “I hope that this campaign, which started in Korea, will help advance healthcare services across Asia and save more AMI patients' lives.”

During the symposium, Rosli Mohd Ali, Chairman of the Interventional Cardiovascular Society of Malaysia, explained the country‘s AMI registry and the current treatment situation. In addition, Prof. Huay Cheem Tan, National University of Singapore Heart Center, spoke about the city-state’s AMI treatment network.


