2024.08.17 (토)

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기상청 제공


Visang Education and MetaMetrics Forge Lexile® Partnership

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Visang Education, a Korea-based educational publishing company, and MetaMetrics Inc., a U.S.-based educational measurement company, today announced a strategic partnership focused on English language learning innovation and Lexile technology.

“Lexile measures are distinguished for their practical value in education,” said Tae Hoe Yang, Chief Executive Officer of Visang. “We endeavor to bring groundbreaking new English learning solutions to market, and our partnership with MetaMetrics is founded on the premise of achieving this goal together.”

“We are honored to be in partnership with Visang on this critical initiative,” said Dr. Malbert Smith III, co-founder and President of MetaMetrics. “English is an increasingly vital skill for academic and workplace success, and the demand is growing worldwide for educational products that personalize and accelerate learning for all students. Lexile measures offer distinct capabilities to help Visang address these needs.”

The Lexile Framework for Reading is an objective approach for measuring readers and texts using a common measurement scale. Readers receive a Lexile measure through assessment linking technology, while text measures are determined using proprietary software that analyzes the complexity of the vocabulary and syntax. When the Lexile measure of a reader matches the Lexile measure of a text, reading and learning improves. Lexile measures range from below 200L for beginner level readers and texts to 1600L and above for advanced level readers and texts. Lexile measures are prominently featured in the new U.S. Common Core State Standards for English language arts, which have been adopted by 48 of 50 states.

MetaMetrics research and development division is working closely now with David Choi, Chief Operating Officer of Visang’s English education division. “With all the ways that Lexile measures can enhance our capabilities,” said Mr. Choi, “it is exciting to contemplate the many benefits ahead for students, teachers and parents once we bring our solutions forward.”

“Our partnerships across Asia are growing in recognition of the fundamental value that Lexile measures provide in matching readers with text,” said Todd Sandvik, Senior Vice President of Global Services for MetaMetrics. “What sets Visang apart is their deep understanding of how Lexile measures can enrich and compliment their own unique vision. We now share a commitment to realizing its fullest potential.”


