2024.06.29 (토)

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기상청 제공


Port of Antwerp Community Improves Efficiency With Descartes' Cloud-Based Messaging Services

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Descartes Systems Group (Nasdaq:DSGX) (TSX:DSG), the global leader in uniting logistics-intensive businesses in commerce, announced its cloud-based messaging services are integrated with the Antwerp Port Community System‘s (APCS) e-Desk application. The e-Desk application leverages Descartes’ Global Logistics Network (GLN) to connect port community members and improve efficiencies by automating paper-based processes and standardizing port-related messages.

APCS is the network of systems and solutions that facilitates the exchange of data between business-to-government (B2G) and business-to-business (B2B) participants using the port of Antwerp. APCS collaborated with the Port Services Authority of Antwerp (PSA) to develop the e-Desk application to streamline compliance reporting with the European-wide Export Control Systems (ECS) initiative. The solution, combined with the GLN, provides declarants and terminal operators with a simple way to communicate shipment, container and status information with each other, and customs authorities, thereby reducing paperwork and improving operational efficiencies.

“APCS e-Desk adoption has been very successful, with 60% percent of all export declarations now reported directly by the declarants,” says John Kerkhof, Director of Antwerp Port Community System. “EDI customers are connected via Descartes' GLN, which ensures a swift and secure stream of data to/from e-Desk.”

In addition to providing its cloud-based messaging services for the port community to connect to e-Desk, Descartes integrates e-Desk into its customs compliance solution. Data from the customs declarations can be repurposed and transmitted across a variety of parties, including ports and terminal systems like APCS.

“All of our declarations for the various terminals in the port of Antwerp are sent to e-Desk using Descartes‘ customs compliance solution,” said Peter Goossens, Customs Declarant of UTI. “The time savings we’ve been able to achieve with this integrated and automated process are enormous.”

“It‘s a huge operational advantage that we’re no longer dependent on physically going to the quay for our export declarations,” said Peter Verlinden, Customs Manager at Rhenus Customs nv. “Descartes' tightly integrated system immediately processes responses and alerts from e-Desk so that we have clear visibility into our operations.”

“We're pleased that the Descartes GLN is enhancing efficiency and cooperation across the Antwerp port community,” said Eric Geerts, Director Product Management at Descartes. “The long and successful collaboration with the Port of Antwerp, and our seamless e-Desk integration, enables streamlined sharing and use of electronic data; which helps to securely and competitively advance domestic and international trade in the Benelux region.”


