2024.08.07 (수)

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  • 구름조금금산 28.2℃
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기상청 제공


HEESUNG METAL, reached a PCC wire license agreement with Nippon Micrometal

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]HEESUNG METAL (President Young-Je, Kwon, www.hsmetal.co.kr) reached a license agreement with Nippon Micrometal (President Inoue Toshio, www.nmc-net.co.jp) for the patents of Palladium Coated Copper Technology.

HEESUNG METAL announced that it had signed a patent license agreement for the manufacturing and sales of PCC wire (Palladium Coated Copper wire) patented by NMC (Nippon Micrometal Corporation), the world’s leading supplier of PCC wire (Palladium Coated Copper wire). HEESUNG is the third contractor for the license worldwide, following Tanaka Denshi Kogyo(Japan) and Heraeus(Germany).

Palladium coated copper wire, developed by NMC, is the world’s first copper bonding wire that has been successful in practical use for state-of-the-art ultra-high-density LSI packaging as an alternative to the gold wire in the market. Gold wire accounted for more than 90% of bonding wire market until the recent years. Commercialization of PCC wire has been successfully initiated ever since 2009, coupled with the soaring gold price.

The market share of PCC wire rose to 25% of the world’s bonding wire market in 2012. Particularly, its share is expected to grow up to 50% of the market within 2-3 years if such a trend continues. Developing alternate materials to the gold bonding wire, including PCC wire, as a growth engine in the market; HEESUNG METAL has invested a lot of technological efforts in R&D. We have received a good evaluation to market successfully to develop alternate materials, such as PCC wire, Ag wire, Cu alloyed wire and etc.

Eventually, HEESUNG METAL will be able to eliminate the uncertainty of bonding wire business and sustain the steady growth by this agreement of the patents. It served as a momentum to take on a position as a global leader in the alternative product market which is bound to rapid changes. With this agreement, moreover, it is planned to double the capacity for stabilized supply to Taiwan, China, Southeast Asian countries and South Korea. Through continuous R & D investments for acceptable alternative materials, we will always provide new products in time that meet the needs and demands of customers.

SW Kang, Vice President, of HEESUNG METAL said, “All the efforts of HEESUNG METAL will contribute in the global market to the reduction of packaging costs and the stable supply to the alternative material market, including PCC wire, and help PCC wires replace the gold bonding wire entirely. We also believe that it will give a major contribution to the revitalization of semiconductor industry and the expansion of bonding wire market.”


