2024.07.14 (일)

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  • 구름많음금산 28.5℃
  • 흐림강진군 23.9℃
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기상청 제공


QuickLogic's ArcticLink III VX6 Supports Embedded and External Displays From a Single Processor Display Output

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]QuickLogic Corporation (NASDAQ: QUIK), the innovator in low-power Customer Specific Standard Products (CSSPs), announced today the immediate availability of its new ArcticLink® III VX6 solution platform device. This product integrates QuickLogic's Visual Enhancement Engine (VEE) and Display Power Optimizer (DPO) technologies along with LVDS, MIPI, and RGB interfaces into a single chip bridging and connectivity solution for consumer mobile devices. This enables developers to easily integrate a secondary HDMI and/or MHL video output into systems initially designed to support a single, on-board display.

The VX6BxG is optimized for tablet architecture, offering system designers a solution that bridges the MIPI output of the AP to an LVDS interface for the on-board display, while outputting the same display content to the RGB or MIPI interface of the MHL/HDMI transmitter. This approach eliminates the need for inefficient, multi-chip architectures or the need to upgrade to a more expensive application processor which supports two simultaneous display interfaces.

“The ArcticLink III VX6 family from QuickLogic allows tablet system designers to realize multi-display architectures with processors originally intended to support only a single, on-board display. We believe this flexibility in processor architecture selection can speed time-to-market and keep BOM costs low for OEMs building differentiated HDMI/MHL-enabled products,” says Paul Karazuba, senior product marketing manager at QuickLogic.

The solution platform family also optionally integrates QuickLogic‘s VEE and DPO technologies. Our VEE technology, based on the iridix® core from Apical Limited, delivers outstanding display viewability under any lighting condition by dynamically optimizing video characteristics to provide a natural viewing experience. Our DPO technology has been field-proven to lower total system power consumption through dynamic management of display brightness with no negative user side effects. Used together with VEE, QuickLogic’s DPO technology enables system-level battery life extension by an average of 25% without compromising the user experience.


