2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


N.Y. Times Best-Selling Author to Highlight 6th World Medical Tourism Congress

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]he Medical Tourism Association™ released today a preliminary line-up of speakers who will address up to 2,000 participants from over 90 countries during the 6th World Medical Tourism & Global Healthcare Congress, Nov. 3-5, in Las Vegas. Top speakers will inspire and empower delegates with knowledge for the future of global healthcare.

“I'm excited to share how transparency will revolutionize healthcare with such a high-level group of attendees,” said keynote speaker Dr. Marty Makary, New York Times best-selling author of “Unaccountable” and professor at Johns Hopkins University.

John Connell, author of “Medical Tourism” and professor at University of Sydney, will look at emerging facets of medical tourism and how health-related travel fits into a tourism framework.

Jon Wolske, culture evangelist for Zappos Insights, will instruct attendees on how to improve corporate culture, engage employees and “knock the socks off” customers.

Brett Hudson, '70s pop star, will share his inspiring story of travelling overseas to defeat cancer, proving that celebrities benefit from medical tourism.

Mike Rognlien, learning & development manager at Facebook, and Joseph Grenny, best-selling author and co-founder of VitalSmarts, will share how the social utility created a corporate culture that increased its capacity for innovation.

Dr. Gary Phillips, head of healthcare industries at the World Economic Forum, will address gaps in access and potential economic investments in healthcare.

In addition to break-outs featuring successful case studies, current trends and practical workshops, participants will be able to attend specialized educational sessions developed to address business needs.


