2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


Openet Global Policy Management Revenue Leader for Third Consecutive Year

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Openet, a global leader of high performance transaction management software for network operators, was again recognized as the global revenue leader in Infonetics Research's Policy Management market share, size and forecast report. The report, an analysis of policy market share and overall Policy and Charging Control (PCC) landscape, has found Openet the global leader in policy management by revenue for three consecutive years.

This report follows Infonetics' December 2012 global survey of service providers, in which respondents named Openet the industry leader in technology innovation and product roadmap advancements.

“The worldwide policy market has grown substantially in the past year, with software revenue increasing by 32 percent,” said Shira Levine, directing analyst for service enablement and subscriber intelligence at Infonetics Research and author of the report. “The industry continues to mature as operators look to implement policy control capabilities in an effort to better monetize network investments and improve quality of service for advanced wireless technologies.”

Over the past few years, policy has evolved from a means to manage network resource consumption into the key element enabling operators to deploy new business models, offer new service options, and improve customer experience.

“Openet is the industry leader because we understand our customers' commercial challenges as well as the pivotal role policy management plays in providing solutions,” said Openet VP marketing Christopher Hoover. “Service providers look to Openet for technical innovation as well as market insight that helps differentiate their services and grow their business in an increasingly competitive and uncertain environment.”


