2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


dmexco 2013 Invites the Global Digital Industry to: “Turning Visions Into Reality”

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Ideas, products and communication processes are driven digitally today, whereby the digital business is becoming considerably more complex as a result of the increasingly fragmented and at the same time more and more interconnected world. The challenges of the digital industry are obvious: The buzzword “digital” alone no longer suffices to convince the customer! The potential and the concrete benefits for marketing, media and communications have to be clearly demonstrated and applicable for the day-to-day operations! The dmexco is the right place to address this theme and is setting a clear sign with its motto for 2013: “Turning Visions into Reality.”

“As the organisers of the dmexco, we consider our main task to be the impressive and sustainable presentation of all important trends, technologies and innovations. In a new, innovative environment we offer companies the opportunity to launch their new products and show their futuristic business models. In this way digital will become ‘tangible,’” explained Christian Muche and Frank Schneider, dmexco Board of Directors. In 2013 the dmexco is presenting its worldwide unique combination between an expo and a conference under the motto “Turning Visions into Reality.” On September 18 & 19, 2013 the dmexco in Cologne will provide national and international companies of the digital industry with an ideal platform that enables them to vividly demonstrate their digital solutions, technologies and visions, which in turn will lead to business success.

Up until now digital advertising and communications were mainly depicted in a much too technical and abstract manner. The customers still find this too difficult to understand, because the actual advantages of the digital potential are not formulated, presented and proven in clear enough terms. A real demonstration, which focuses on the innovative added value and on what is possible, is what is required. “Instead of raving about statistics and theories, all of the market participants have to literally take to the streets with their digital visions. The motto of the dmexco 2013 applies for the sustainable success of the digital industry, both now and in the future: ‘Turning Visions into Reality.’ The former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt was of the opinion that ‘Those who have visions, should go to the doctor’s.' We say: Those who have digital visions should come to the dmexco 2013 -- whether as exhibitors or visitors!” stated Christian Muche and Frank Schneider.


