2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


BWise and Harvard Business School Professors Announce World Class Leadership Training Program on New Integrated Reporting Framework

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]BWise, a NASDAQ OMX company, and Harvard Business School Professors Robert G. Eccles and George Serafeim announce today a world class online leadership program to help companies utilize the new International Integrated Reporting Framework and provide them with a gap analysis of their current and desired state. The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) will publish this new Consultation Draft framework for integrated reporting on April 16, 2013.The US launch of the IIRC Consultation Draft will be held at NASDAQ OMX's MarketSite.

This new corporate reporting framework reflects the wide range of factors that affect corporate performance including both financial and non-financial (e.g., environmental, social, and governance) results and the assets required to produce them (e.g., financial, natural, human, and social). To help companies voluntarily utilize and benefit from this new corporate reporting framework, Harvard Business School Professors Robert Eccles and George Serafeim, the world's leading academic experts on integrated reporting, together with BWise, have organized an online training program for corporate executives that want to be at the forefront of Integrated Reporting. Eccles is a member of the IIRC and Chairman of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) where Serafeim is a member of the Standards Council.

Integrated Reporting enables an organization to communicate in a clear and articulate way how it is drawing on all the resources and relationships it utilizes to create and preserve value in the short-, medium-, and long-term and thereby helping investors to manage risks and allocate resources most efficiently. The first online training course will start in September 2013 and is now open for registration.

The program has been designed by Harvard Business School Professors Robert Eccles and George Serafeim and they also act as the lead faculty for the program. Both professors are well known and respected names in academia and industry, and have conducted significant research on corporate reporting and sustainability that has been published in the top academic and practitioner journals, such as Harvard Business Review and Sloan Management Review. They have also written several books on this subject, including One Report: Integrated Reporting for a Sustainable Strategy, the first book on integrated reporting and that contributed to the formation of the IIRC. The program also has several well-known and respected quest speakers from leading companies practicing integrated reporting, investors, the IIRC, SASB, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and a variety of subject matter experts from different professions to give executives participating in the program a good overall understanding of the benefits of integrated reporting.

Professor Robert Eccles: “George and I are delighted to have this opportunity to work with the BWise Academy and NASDAQ OMX to create this online training program. Integrated reporting is clearly the future of corporate reporting. Executives all over the world are interested in learning more about it and how to implement it in their organization. We have developed a very practical course to help them do so. Each module has an application exercise with the sixth one being an outline for an actual integrated report the company can build on to publish if it chooses to do so.”

Professor George Serafeim: “The research Bob and I are doing is focused on helping companies develop sustainable long-term strategies and investors to earn superior long-term returns. Integrated reporting is an important new and leading business practice that contributes to both of these objectives.”

NASDAQ OMX has affirmed its commitment to sustainable business practices, and the delivery of integrated reporting education is an important part of that commitment.

Lars Ottersgård, Senior Vice President NASDAQ OMX: “At NASDAQ OMX we have always been a believer that a commitment to sustainability is good for a company's financial performance and that the best way to communicate on both is through integrated reporting. As part of our commitment to sustainability and integrated reporting, NASDAQ OMX is one of the co-authors and signatories of the Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative. As an organization ourselves, we are also participating in the IIRC Pilot Programme. Thus we are advocating for our listed companies and any others who want to participate in this training program what we are already doing for ourselves.”


