2024.07.14 (일)

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  • 흐림부산 24.3℃
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  • 구름많음보은 25.1℃
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  • 흐림경주시 23.6℃
  • 흐림거제 22.3℃
기상청 제공


CKI donated USD 400,000 to Korea YWCA to support financial education

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Citibank Korea (CEO Ha, Yung-ku, www.citibank.co.kr) had a signing ceremony for “Think Money - financial education through learning and experience” with National YWCA of Korea (President Cha, Kyeng-ae, www.ywca.oc.kr) at the auditorium of YWCA bldg. in Myeongdong on Apr. 16 and delivered USD 400,000 of Citi Foundation fund.

“Think Money - financial education through learning and experience” has been jointly run by Citibank Korea and the National YWCA Korea for 8 years since 2006 with an aim to help teenagers have the right perception about finance and develop self leadership. The program organized by Citibank Korea employees and 30 YWCA branches nationwide has taken place at a variety of venues like the bank’s branches, schools, classrooms after school, hobby clubs, and YWCA centers, wherever instructors could meet the participating students. The program has gradually expanded for the past 7 years to include elementary, middle, high school students and their parents and multi-cultural families and has been developed into an intensified long-term program eliciting changes not only in their knowledge level but in their attitudes and behavior.

Since the program starting in 2006, it has benefitted around 300,000 students through 5,000 times or more sessions, and 1,200 instructors completed the YWCA financial trainer course. In 2012, Think Money program received the Minister of Strategy and Finance Award in the 3rd Financial Education Award sponsored by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance. In addition, two types of “Think Money Financial Education” textbooks for advanced levels of elementary school were approved as official textbooks by the Superintendent of Seoul City and published for actual use. In line with the existing textbooks, in 2013, new financial textbooks will be published for the students going to high schools who will begin their work life right after graduating from high schools, and Think Money online textbooks and Smartphone applications with financial self-evaluation and cash book functions will soon be rolled out.

After the signing ceremony, an education session was conducted for 30 to-be instructors. The training course is provided twice a year, and a total of 488 CKI executives and employees have so far completed the course. The new instructors will give financial lecture together with the existing lecturers at elementary, middle and high schools, organizations and institutions inviting them for financial education. They will also share their financial expertise and experiences by visiting areas which has no access to financial institutions or a large number of the financially marginalized reside in.


