2024.07.14 (일)

  • 구름많음동두천 25.5℃
  • 흐림강릉 21.8℃
  • 맑음서울 28.5℃
  • 구름많음대전 26.8℃
  • 대구 24.4℃
  • 울산 22.5℃
  • 구름많음광주 26.6℃
  • 흐림부산 24.3℃
  • 흐림고창 24.4℃
  • 제주 26.9℃
  • 맑음강화 26.4℃
  • 구름많음보은 25.1℃
  • 구름많음금산 26.6℃
  • 흐림강진군 24.0℃
  • 흐림경주시 23.6℃
  • 흐림거제 22.3℃
기상청 제공


NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions Selected to Provide the Scottish Public Sector With a Collaborative Media Services Framework

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. (Nasdaq:NDAQ) today announced that its Global Corporate Solutions business was selected by the Scottish Government to provide a range of media services to the wider Scottish public sector. The Scottish Government is the first government organization to recognize the service and financial benefits to be gained by using the Scottish Public Sector Media Services Framework. The new solutions framework to be designed by NASDAQ OMX, which will be available in April 2013, will offer a range of media services designed to achieve economies of scale through collaboration across the public sector. The new service will be available to approximately 200 public sector bodies in Scotland.

As a leader in modern government centralized procurement, the Scottish Government will use NASDAQ OMX's solution to allow users to monitor print, broadcast, online news or social media, as well as utilize a news distribution service, branded social media newsroom and a more efficient evaluation service. The new services will also make it easier for the media and the public to access information and download material from desktop or mobile devices. NASDAQ OMX is partnering with Precise Media Group to provide full scale services.

Demetrios Skalkotos, Senior Vice President, NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions commented: “The Scottish Government should be commended for their forward thinking approach regarding stakeholder services and communication. The Media Services Framework supported by NASDAQ OMX will greatly enhance their services, and allow them to better communicate with and service their key stakeholders. We encourage other public bodies in Scotland to adopt similar strategies and we look forward to working with them.”


