2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


WEBZILLA to Offer Public, Private, Hybrid Cloud Services for XBT Holding Ltd. Companies Worldwide

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]WEBZILLA, a world leader in premium enterprise hosting and colocation services, today announced it is developing a full array of cloud solutions including public, private and hybrid offerings for customers and clients of WEBZILLA and XBT Holding Ltd.'s six other subsidiaries in the U.S., Europe and Asia-Pacific.

“Demand for cloud services is growing ever stronger,” said Konstantin Bezruchenko, CTO of XBT Holding, WEBZILLA's parent company. “Cloud computing is a powerful tool that offers great scalability and flexibility. We will not only provide all three of the principal cloud architectures, but also consulting services to help customers maximize the advantages of cloud services.”

WEBZILLA customers will enjoy greater scalability and flexibility from cloud availability, able to make instant deployments and service-level changes such as upgrades and downgrades without waiting for hardware to be provisioned. An autoscaling feature will allow customers to specify the number of server CPUs and size of RAM and disk space to be provisioned automatically as conditions warrant.

The ability to choose among public, private and hybrid cloud services means that enterprise customers can enjoy the benefits of private or hybrid clouds optimized for their environments, while others, such as SMB customers, can leverage the resource efficiency of the public cloud and its ability to rapidly add capacity for peak demand.

Cloud services are also well suited for customers running capacity-sensitive applications and platforms such as content delivery networks, large databases and mobile video coding, as it frees them from storage and back-up constraints. Customers will also benefit from advantageous pricing due to economies of scale and not having to license third-party software.

The cloud platform is being created by a highly experienced in-house cloud development group at WEBZILLA. The project is based on an open-source server virtualization solution that is being extended and optimized for performance and reliability on XBT's existing and planned worldwide infrastructure.

The cloud offering will be rolled out by WEBZILLA and the other subsidiaries in two stages: cloud storage, to be available in Q4 2013, and public, private and hybrid cloud services to be available in Q1 2014.


