2024.07.14 (일)

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  • 흐림강릉 21.8℃
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기상청 제공


Power plaza Co., Ltd.’s ‘YEBBUJANA S4’, a high quality electric car spotlighted at 2013 Seoul Motor Show

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Power plaza Co.,Ltd.(CEO: Sung-hu Kim) has made a public exhibition of the ‘YEBBUJANA S4’ at the 2013 Seoul Motor Show. This car is the 4th generation of the pure electric compact car, ‘YEBBUJANA ver.1’ which was developed in 2010.
At 2013 Seoul Motor Show, more than 1 million people have visited the show for 11 days which set a record of Seoul Motor Show. Especially, the press and media time focused on the 4th generation of the “Yebbujana S4” of Power Plaza Co.,Ltd which is the only company who matched the concept of the 2013 Seoul Motor Show, ‘High quality environment friendly car’.

500 km driving range on a single charge
‘YEBBUJANA ver.1’ has participated at the ZERO-RACE event in Europe in 2010 and traveled all around the Europe. ‘YEBBUJANA ver.2’ has participated in the ‘The Korea’s EV Driving Competition to achieve the Guinness World’s records’ and traveled 503.2km on a single charge, which earned the Korea’s Guinness Record.

Carbon fiber for the whole body
‘YEBBUJANA S4’ has been manufactured with a new technology of carbon fiber for the under floor of body. It is to optimize the performance of electric car by maximizing the energy efficiency and increasing driving range.

Efficient charging method
As electric vehicles do not have sufficient charging infrastructure, ‘YEBBUJANA S4’ has improved the charging limitations by applying multiple charging methods, slowing charging with single-phase of 220Vac and fast charging with three-phase of 380Vac.

Upgraded safety with low voltage 80V
We can see many electric vehicles with a high voltage (300Vdc) of system which can make a big danger to cause an electric shock during accidents. But ‘YEBBUJANA S4’ has been applied a low voltage (80V) of system and secured the safety for the system and drivers.

0.5ton Electric Conversion Pick-up Truck, ‘PEACE’ shown at 2013 Seoul Motor Show
Power plaza Co.,Ltd. has made a public of 0.5 ton electric conversion pick-up truck to the 2013 Seoul Motor Show. The driving range is 150km on a single charge, which cost just $1.00 for single charging. It is drawing much interest from many people who are interested in commercial vehicles.


