2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


Descartes' Telematics Customer New World First Bus and Citybus Win Technology Innovation Award

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Descartes Systems Group (Nasdaq:DSGX) (TSX:DSG), the global leader in uniting logistics-intensive businesses in commerce, announced that its customer, New World First Bus Services Limited (“NWFB”) and Citybus Limited, won the “Best Public Service Application Grand Award” and “Best Public Service Application (Transformation) Gold Award” in The Hong Kong ICT Awards 2013. The award is based upon a solution for more effectively managing buses in transit and providing riders with accurate advanced notification of pending stops. The NWFB and Citybus system is based on the Descartes Telematics solution.

“As a major local public bus operator, we believe attracting more passengers on board is as important as effectively managing the bus fleet,” said Newton Ng, Senior Operations Support Manager of NWFB and Citybus. “While bringing more convenience to our passengers, Descartes' solution also delivers accurate information to staff for effective control.”

As part of Descartes Logistics Technology Platform, Descartes Telematics™ is a comprehensive mobile asset management service that uses advanced technologies to significantly raise the efficiency, and lower the operating costs, of vehicle fleets. Advanced telematics hardware, based on the Android operating system, is used to integrate to on-bus LED, video, and audio systems for automatic stop and trip announcements. The solution also includes Bluetooth and WIFI communications and an on-board programmable logic controller for customer specific configuration.

Descartes Telematics, for bus operators, features a robust user portal called Descartes Bus Center with extensive capabilities that go beyond basic tracking. This portal includes audio/video content management, wireless bus updates, bus route execution monitoring, and driver messaging. Bus Center also features a unique and sophisticated predictive estimated time of arrival engine that uses history and real-time information to provide highly-accurate bus arrival times. Bus Center provides the estimated time of arrival (ETA) information on the web, through mobile devices, and via stop and terminal displays.

“We would like to congratulate NWFB and Citybus on their award and are thrilled to work closely with such an innovative public transportation organization,” said Ken Wood, Senior Vice President Product Strategy at Descartes. “Our advanced telematics hardware and fleet management software gives customers the ability to uniquely configure their solution to improve customer service and fleet safety, and reduce costs.”


