2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


Limelight Networks Wins 2013 Killer Content Award

[By NBC-1TV H.J Yook]Limelight Networks, Inc. (Nasdaq:LLNW), a leader in digital presence management, today announced the company has been named a 2013 Killer Content Award winner by the DemandGen Report. The winning book, Digital Presence For Dummies®, published by Wiley and authored by Limelight senior director of marketing strategy, Jason Thibeault, demystifies the concept of digital presence with step-by-step guidance to improve online marketing. The Killer Content Awards recognize those organizations that have raised the bar in marketing and thought leadership content development and distribution.

“Today, organizations need to deliver consistent digital presence across all channels. We make it our mission to help customers better engage their digital audiences everywhere, on any device,” said Kirby Wadsworth, chief marketing officer at Limelight. “That's exactly why we developed Digital Presence For Dummies: to help companies build exceptional digital presence strategies and gain competitive advantage. We are thrilled to be named a Killer Content Award winner.”

With more of business and life happening in the digital space, Digital Presence For Dummies simplifies the complex task of creating compelling and consistent stories across platforms. The book helps remove the barriers to a sophisticated digital presence, providing actionable insights, as well as step-by-step guidance for improving an organization's digital presence for increased competitive advantage. Since its launch in March 2013, the book has been downloaded by hundreds of organizations and has generated multiple sales opportunities for the company.

“We were impressed with Limelight's book, Digital Presence For Dummies, which in our opinion exemplifies the type of actionable content that can provide readers with the insights and guidance to drive measurable results within an organization,” said Andrew Gaffney, editor at DemandGen Report. “Content marketing is most effective when it not only communicates to an audience, but engages that audience in a two-way conversation. Digital Presence For Dummies not only does that but it also educates other organizations to do the same.”


