2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


Sports Trading Club Hails Woman Savant From USA as Their “Secret Weapon” Following Zurich Open Golf Win by Billy Horschel

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Billy Horschel's first PGA Tour victory yesterday in the Zurich Classic may have come as a surprise to many, but not to an extraordinary savant retained by the Sports Trading Club who signalled him out as the man to beat at the start of the tournament, despite him being a 36-1 outsider.

It reinforces the belief that the Sports Trading Club now has an incredible inside advantage with trading on golf, a sport which sees multi-million dollars sums wagered weekly.

The 26 year old Horschel in his fourth PGA tour season was considered a Tour grinder. He had hit seemingly every stumbling block a player of his talent can hit.

He even had to go through qualifying school a third time just to be on Tour this year. He was ranked 23rd on tour in both ball striking and strokes gained putting.

However on Sunday Horschel tied a course record at the TPC Louisiana with an 8-under 64 in the final round of the Zurich Classic, which was good enough to win by one stroke over D.A. Points.

On the eve of the tournament the Sports Trading Club told its members that it was trading on the selections of its golf savant, and that she had chosen Billy Horschel to win.

Her debut for the Sports Trading Club was all the more impressive as she not only picked the winner of the tournament as a stand-out, but was right in six out of seven tournament match up bets, where she picked one player to beat another over the four days.

The Sports Trading Club created The Insight Project, a world first with the study of savants and sports trading.

It is led by their scientific director Dr. Allan Snyder, FRS who, for some 20 years, has conducted ground breaking research on savants at both the Australian National University and the University of Sydney.

“We have embraced the extraordinary skills of savants to give ourselves a unique advantage,” said Dr Snyder.

“Certain savants unmask patterns that others can't see and are bewilderingly quick at performing calculations and recalling enormous amounts of data,” he said.

Dr. Snyder, himself a living genius and brilliant learned scholar, believes that certain savants have a distinct advantage in sports trading, which gives the Sports Trading Club a diagnostic edge that no one else can achieve.

Dr. Snyder would say little about the identity of the Savant except that she lives in the USA and four years ago she had never even watched a game of golf.

A small subset of autistics, known as savants, can perform super specialised mental feats.

Savant syndrome is a condition in which a person demonstrates profound and prodigious capacities and abilities far in excess of what would be considered normal.

Perhaps the most famous savant was Dustin Hoffman's character in “Rain Man,” who could count hundreds of matchsticks at a glance.

But the truth has often been even stranger: one celebrated savant in turn-of-the-century Vienna could calculate the day of the week for every date since the birth of Christ.

“Other savants can speak dozens of languages without formally studying any of them or can reproduce music at the piano after only a single hearing.”


