2024.07.14 (일)

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  • 흐림거제 22.3℃
기상청 제공


GlobalMed, International Virtual e-Hospital Foundation, and ITF Entering Phase II of Telemedicine Implementation in Cape Verde

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]GlobalMed®—the worldwide leader in real-time healthcare delivery systems—along with the International Trust Fund Enhancing Human Security (ITF), a non-profit organization founded by the Republic of Slovenia; and the International Virtual e-Hospital Foundation (IVeH), a nonprofit organization developed by Dr. Rifat Latifi, President and Board Chairman, in the Republic of Kosova, will soon enter Phase II of the implementation of telemedicine throughout Cape Verde, an island chain off the coast of Western Africa.

The partnership with GlobalMed is aimed at building upon a long-range plan of connecting hospitals on all nine inhabited islands using GlobalMed‘s telemedicine solutions. IVeH was instrumental in the implementation of an integrated telemedicine and e-Health program for Cape Verde in connection with the Republic of Cape Verde and the Republic of Slovenia, which has also provided financial resources for the program’s implementation. The opening ceremony for the launch of Phase I was held on Jan. 11, 2013 in Sao Vicente, Cape Verde and marked the complete installation of the telemedicine system and the establishment of a telemedicine network within six of the 10 planned regional hospitals.

The goal for Phase II of the implementation is to extend the network to the remaining four regional hospitals in order to provide residents within the area access to specialty care and services. This effort includes installing additional GlobalMed telemedicine systems and further educating local physicians in telemedicine with the help of IVeH, which provides telemedicine, telehealth and virtual medical education programs in developing countries.

“We are proud to provide the solutions needed to help IVeH and the ITF meet their long-range goals of building a sustainable and fully integrated telemedicine network,” stated GlobalMed Founder and Managing Director Joel E. Barthelemy. “This next phase of implementation will bring the population of Cape Verde one step closer to the critical healthcare services they need.”


