2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


Sports Trading Club Financial Success Creates Lifestyle the Envy of Investors

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Two of the most dynamic growth industries of the past 25 years have been computer science and sports trading. From a standing start, they are now both multi-billion-dollar giants.

No one can doubt their impact. Today, industry is programmed by computers and leisure time is programmed by sports. When they work hand in hand it is easy to understand the attraction of the Sports Trading Club to private investors with the ability to make money from home whilst watching sport on television.

Little wonder then that when a leading international economist predicted that The Sports Trading Club is the rising star to follow in 2013, it got investors scrambling to learn what all the fuss is about.

“The economist said that stock market is seriously contemptuous of investors, whereas there is a truth and transparency to trading on sports and prediction markets,” said Howard Robin, Operations Manager for the Sports Trading Club in London.

“The recent success of the Sports Trading Club is a clear example of how the amateur investor can prosper and out perform any hedge fund,” Mr Robin said.

The Sports Trading Club reported a 305% profit for the first quarter of 2013. Its profit for March increased by 123.9% from the previous month, with 61.6% of all trades being winning trades.

Chinese philosopher Confucius said, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

“The success of the Sports Trading Club in its first four months in Australia has caught the imagination of investors who have taken the age-old advice of Confucius and are living the dream by making money whilst watching sport on television,” Mr Robin said.

“I believe the ability for investors to stay at home and watch every trade, in real time on the internet, is very appealing,” Mr Robin said.

“It is all about sharing knowledge, being kept informed, and being treated with respect,” he said.

“It allows people to watch their money work, every second of every day and to understand what is happening.”

Making money whilst sitting at home watching sport on television. Now that sounds like a dream job.

The Sports Trading Club, which operates as a private investors group in England, recently allowed the general public to become associate members in Australia. It is currently expanding into South Africa, Korea, India and China.


