2024.08.28 (수)

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기상청 제공


NASDAQ OMX and Smarsh Establish Partnership to Deliver Deeper Compliance Risk Capabilities

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Smarsh®, the leading provider of hosted archiving and compliance solutions for email and electronic communications, announced today at FINRA‘s 2013 Annual Conference(http://www.finra.org/Industry/Education/Conference...) a new partnership with NASDAQ OMX (Nasdaq:NDAQ) to offer Smarsh archiving and compliance solutions to corporations, broker-dealers, exchanges and regulators alongside NASDAQ OMX’s SMARTS market surveillance and compliance solutions.

NASDAQ OMX provides its SMARTS market surveillance and compliance solutions to broker-dealers, buy-side firms, regulators and exchanges around the world, making it the industry's leading market surveillance platform for real-time cross-asset surveillance.

By combining the Smarsh archiving and compliance solutions with NASDAQ OMX's SMARTS platform, customers globally will be able to fine-tune their compliance and risk management activities. The combined solution will provide users with the ability to extrapolate additional value through the correlation of trading data with employee and customer communication such as email, instant messages, mobile messages and social media posts.

“As we continue to address how to manage ever increasing volumes of data, regulators are also recognizing the importance of risk management and surveillance across broader data-sets,” said Paul McKeown, Vice President of Market Technology, NASDAQ OMX. “When combined with our SMARTS technology, Smarsh solutions will give NASDAQ OMX customers powerful tools to better understand a broader set of compliance risks.”

The Smarsh archiving and compliance platform features granular search, review, supervision and reporting capabilities, leveraging a proprietary policy engine that strengthens risk management processes and minimizes review workload by helping firms automate message supervision and other routine tasks traditionally done by compliance personnel.

“We're excited to work with NASDAQ OMX to give broker-dealers more intelligent tools to find and identify compliance risks within their organization. This is the beginning of a joint effort to deliver more insights and value on customer data in a meaningful and comprehensive way,” said Stephen Marsh, Smarsh Founder and CEO.


