2024.07.14 (일)

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  • 흐림경주시 22.9℃
  • 흐림거제 22.4℃
기상청 제공


ZMDI, a Global Semiconductor Company, Extends its Portfolio of IPv6-Based Low-Power Wireless Mesh-Networking Modules With Advanced Network Layer Security With the ZWIR4512AC2

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]ZMD AG (ZMDI), a Dresden-based semiconductor company that specializes in enabling energy efficient solutions, today announces the extension of its IPv6 modules portfolio with a size and cost optimized version of the ZWIR4512, a uniquely secure and easy-to-integrate low-power wireless data communication module for sensors and other small devices used in industry and building automation, health monitoring, smart metering and keyless entry systems. As a global supplier of analog and mixed signal solutions for automotive, industrial, medical, information technology and consumer applications, ZMDI has developed a wireless sensor network platform that combines reliable and secure wireless mesh networking with flexibility, low power consumption and ease of use for short time to market.

The ZWIR4512 provides reliable and secure communication for scalable networks by integrating a 32-bit ARM® Cortex™-M3 processor (trademarks of ARM, Ltd.) with a complete communications software solution and an integrated 868/915MHz transceiver. It offers wide coverage range, optimized battery life, and minimal signal interference.

Networks built with the ZWIR4512 can connect directly to existing networks without the requirement of custom-programmed gateways, making it easy to extend networking to applications previously too difficult or expensive. Designers can run their application software directly on the module's Cortex™-M3 microcontroller (MCU), which saves design time and cost as no external MCU or other circuitry is required. Different low-power modes can save energy in battery-operated devices.

The size-optimized ZWIR4512 module measures only 23.1 by 15.1 by 3.6 mm. It includes two additional pins that can be used as digital GPIO or to connect an RTC clock. The module consumes 3.5 uA in standby mode and only 18.5 mA when transmitting data at 0dBm output power.

Communication is based on IPv6, the next-generation Internet protocol. 6LoWPAN is used to optimize IPv6 packets for embedded low-power device networks. Data encryption and authentication is provided by the Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) protocol suite. IPSec keys can be exchanged and renewed automatically based on the Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2) protocol. IPSec and IKEv2 enable secure end-to-end communication, providing the same security level as virtual private networks. IPv6, 6LoWPAN, IPSec and IKEv2 are all open standards developed by the IETF.

ZWIR4512 firmware offers a command interface and a C-language Applications Programming Interface (API). Pre-programmed units are also available.

“The ZWIR4512 provides a highly secure energy-efficient solution that is extremely easy to integrate,” says Torsten Limberg, Product Marketing Manager of ZMDI. “We developed the ZWIR4512 for customers, who want simplicity in network management, mesh routing with self-healing capability, data encryption and authentication, and multiple interfaces to support all types of sensors and other peripherals.”


