2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


Ssangyong Motor’s global sales exceed 12,000 vehicles for the second consecutive month in May

[By NBC=1TV H. J Yook]Ssangyong Motor (CEO Lee Yoo-il; www.smotor.com), part of the USD 16.2 billion Mahindra Group, announced on June 3rd, 2013 that the company sold a total of 12,730 vehicles in May 2013 - 5,270 vehicles in domestic sales and 7,460 in exports, including CKD kits.

The company’s monthly sales exceeded 12,000 units for the second straight month, increasing by 25.3% year-on-year. Its cumulative sales from January 2013 also rose by 21.4% compared to the same period last year.

Ssangyong expects to continue to increase its sales since the company resumed the night-shift production system at the third assembly line in the middle of May, helping reduce backorders.

Its domestic sales uptrend continued for the fifth straight month thanks to robust sales of refreshed models including the Korando series despite a slowdown in the Korean auto market. The company registered a sharp increase of 28.4% in the domestic market from a year earlier, exceeding 5,000 vehicles.

Ssangyong’s exports also showed an increase of 23.1% compared to the same month last year, exceeding 7,000 vehicles for the two consecutive months. It was attributed to an upswing in sales in Chile and other Central and South American markets along with increased sales to the Russian market.

The company expects to increase monthly production volume at the third assembly line from 4,000 to 6,000 vehicles through the night shift work system, and will meet increased demand for SUVs and solve the issue of backorders.

Furthermore, Ssangyong will operate various programs for its loyal customers and customer participation events such as outdoor leisure programs, camping and driving school in order to respond to the uptrend in SUV sales actively.

Lee Yoo-il, CEO of Ssangyong Motor, commented, “We achieved monthly sales of more than 12,000 units in May following April by registering stable sales growth in both the domestic market and exports”, adding, “We will further expand our sales by providing various refreshed models to meet customer needs.”


