2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


Garuda Indonesia Opens Penang - Medan Service

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook] In line with the Company's business transformation program, and as part of efforts to expand its network/flight services, in particular in the international sector, on Saturday, June 1 2013, Garuda Indonesia officially launched its Penang - Medan service. The launching of the new route is also meant to improve service quality, as well as to fulfill the hopes of both the public in Medan and Penang for better connectivity between the two cities.

The launching of Garuda Indonesia Penang - Medan flight service was attended Penang Chief Minister Yang Amat Bahagia Mr. Lim Guan Eng and VP Asia Region Garuda Indonesia, Nicodemus Lampe, at Gate A3 Penang International Airport.

Garuda Indonesia serves Penang - Medan twice a day, using Bombardier CRJ1000 NextGen aircraft which has a seating capacity of 96, comprising 12 passengers in Exclusive Class and 84 passengers in Economy Class.

The first flight, GA 803, departs from Penang at 08.40 LT and arrives in Medan at 08.30 LT, and the second flight, GA 805 leaves Penang at 16.35 LT and arrives in Medan at 16.25 LT. On the other hand, the first flight from Medan to Penang, GA 802, daperts from Medan at 06.05 and arrives in Penang at 07.55 LT, and the second flight, GA 804, leaves Medan at 13.55 LT and arrives in the city at 15.45 LT.

Meanwhile, Penang Chief Minister Yang Amat Bahagia Mr. Lim Guan Eng readily welcomes the new service, stating that, “To date, travel flow between Medan - Penang and vice versa remains quite high. Apart from business and leisure travel, many visitors from Medan come to Penang to study or to get medical treatment. I believe this new service will stimulate growth of business and trade in the region, more so as Medan is strategically located as the gateway to Sumatra and the rest of Indonesia's western regions,” he added.

VP Asia Region Garuda Indonesia Nicodemus Lampe said that besides being part of the airline‘s network expansion program, the opening of the new route is part of Garuda Indonesia’s efforts to improve service to its customers by offering more route/service options. “The opening of this new service will hopefully facilitate travelers to and from Penang and Medan and the surrounding regions,” added Nicodemus.

As part of its flight network expansion in both the domestic and international sectors, on May 3, 2013, Garuda also launched Medan as its fourth hub after Jakarta, Denpasar and Makassar. Prior to that, since April 15, 2013, Garuda has begun flying new routes, namely Medan - Batam, Medan - Padang and Medan - Palembang. Currently Garuda Indonesia serves the Indonesia - Malaysia route by flying Jakarta- Kuala Lumpur twice a day.

Meanwhile, in light of the positive growth in the international sector, in 2013 Garuda also plans to open new international routes, such as Jakarta - London, Surabaya - Singapore, Denpasar - Bangkok, Denpasar - Brisbane and Denpasar - Kuala Lumpur.

Continuing with the airline's fleet and network expansion programs, in 2013 Garuda Indonesia is expecting the arrival of 24 new fleet additions, consisting of four Boeing 777-300ER, three Airbus A330, ten Boeing 737-800NG and seven Bombardier CRJ1000 NextGen.

As for Citilink, it is expecting 16 new aircraft, consisting of eleven Airbus A320 and five ATR-72. Thus, by the end of 2013 Garuda and Citilink will operate a total of 139 armada (104 airplanes for Garuda and 35 for Citilink), aged an average of 4,2 years. Through the “Quantum Leap” program, Garuda will operate a total of 194 aircraft by the year 2015.


