2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


Enterprise Signs Agreement With Yes Oto Kiralama to Extend Brand Into Turkey

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook] Enterprise Rent-A-Car has reached an agreement with Yes Oto Kiralama, a subsidiary of Gürbaşlar Automotive Group, to extend its car hire brand into Turkey.

The agreement with Yes Oto Kiralama is part of a planned programme of expansion designed to give Enterprise widespread coverage across Europe, widening choice for both business and leisure renters.

In 2013 alone, Enterprise has established agreements with franchise partners representing 19 European markets. These countries, together with the UK, Ireland, Germany, France and Spain where Enterprise operates a wholly owned network, account for more than 90 percent of the European rental market.

Turkey is a logical next step for Enterprise. One of Europe's fastest growing markets with a large, young population of more than 70 million, Turkey is located at a critical meeting point between Europe and the Middle East. It is increasingly a destination for both business and leisure travellers. In 2012, Turkey was the seventh most popular tourist destination in the world, attracting more than 27 million visitors.

Founded in 1978, Gürbaşlar Group is one of the country's longest-established and most successful businesses. Initially focused on automobile tyre and battery retail, the company founded Yes Oto Kiralama as a rental car brand in 1990.

Today, Yes Oto Kiralama operates a fleet of more than 2,000 vehicles at 43 branches nationwide, including 22 terminal locations across 16 airports. With an average vehicle life of only nine months, the Yes Oto Kiralama rental fleet provides outstanding service, value and quality to both domestic and inbound travellers in one of Europe's busiest markets.

Peter A. Smith, vice president of global franchising, Enterprise, said, “Our expansion across Europe follows a clear strategic vision: to partner with businesses that will provide our customers with the choice, quality and service they have grown to expect and trust from Enterprise. Our agreement with Yes Oto Kiralama is another example of finding a like-minded business that has been consistently successful by focusing on customer needs. We are confident that through this partnership, we will continue to grow and bring new opportunities to our customers and our employees at a time when demand for rental across Europe is growing.”

Adnan Başdemir, chairman and owner of Gürbaşlar Automotive Group, said: “Over the past 23 years Yes Oto Kiralama has grown by listening to customers and being attentive to service and quality. We are fortunate to have become one of the leading car hire businesses in Turkey. Our future growth will depend on targeting more inbound travellers to Turkey, and our partnership with Enterprise Rent-A-Car will provide an ideal platform for extending our business to this vital customer group. We also see scope for expanding services to domestic customers at a time when we see demand continuing to grow.”


