2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


Openet and Procera Networks Partner to Launch Revenue Express Solutions for MNOs

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Procera Networks, Inc. (NASDAQ: PKT), the global network intelligence company, in partnership with Openet, the global leader of real-time transaction management software and services, today announced the availability of Revenue Express, the industry's first end-to-end turnkey Policy Control and Charging (PCC) solution that includes Intelligent Policy Enforcement and analytics coupled with Policy Management functionality for mobile operators.

Pre-configured and easy to deploy, Revenue Express Solutions enable operators to rapidly configure revenue generating services based on optimized software and hardware configurations. Standardized and pre-packaged functionality is designed to reduce cost of ownership and address time to market challenges faced by today's service providers while delivering flexible service configurability and interoperability with existing operator OSS/BSS systems.

One of several options available, for example, offers a Service Pass for customers who have exhausted their existing data limit, such as 500 MB of extra data usage for a number of days at a small additional fee. In this case, providing subscribers with simple transparent data purchase options that they understand not only reduces customer service calls and costs, but also encourages them to experiment with data usage, creating new customer segments that often choose to purchase additional data.

“Time and cost considerations put policy solutions out of reach for many operators,” said Peter Jarich, vice president of Consumer and Infrastructure Services at Current Analysis. “What Openet and Procera have done with the PCEF component of Revenue Express is to deliver a fully pre-packaged offer -- a boon to service providers looking for an out-of-the-box tool to improve their network offerings.”

“Policy and charging control is essential for operators innovating data pricing and services,” said Openet‘s vice president of Marketing, Christopher Hoover. “Procera’s Internet intelligence expertise and shared vision for delivering value to mobile operators makes them an ideal partner with whom to expand our existing suite of Openet Express solutions.”

The solution's automated installation capabilities mean Revenue Express can be configured in days instead of months. Openet and Procera have made ease of integration, reliability and flexibility a top priority, giving Tier 2 and Tier 3 operators the opportunity to take advantage of a revenue-generating policy offering, and the ability to compete with bigger players in the market like they never could before.

“Our policy work with Openet leverages both companies' industry expertise and makes it possible for mobile operators to quickly meet common business requirements with reduced complexity and ease of operation,” said Cam Cullen, vice president of Global Marketing at Procera. “We look forward to continuing our relationship with Openet and finding new ways to bring our policy enforcement and analytics technology to all operators.”


