2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


Infinera Announces the Intelligent Transport Network for the Terabit Era

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Infinera (NASDAQ: INFN) announced today the Infinera Intelligent Transport Network™, an architecture for carriers to exploit the increasing demand for cloud-based services and data center connectivity as they advance into the Terabit Era. The Terabit Era envisions a highly connected global community sharing experiences and doing business at light speed, delivered by an infinite pool of intelligent bandwidth. The Intelligent Transport Network helps carriers use time as a weapon to increase revenues with reliable, differentiated services while reducing operating costs through scale, multi-layer convergence and automation.

In 2005 Infinera introduced the Digital Optical Network, an architecture based on the company‘s breakthrough 100 Gigabit per second (Gb/s) Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs). By integrating PICs into the DTN platform Infinera was the first to converge Optical Transport Network (OTN) switching and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) in the same chassis. Within 18 months of the DTN’s initial deployment Infinera led the highly competitive long-haul optical transport market in North America. The Intelligent Transport Network builds on the foundation of the Digital Optical Network, expanding the original vision as service providers and internet content providers prepare for the Terabit Era.

The Intelligent Transport Network enables carriers to create rich end-user experiences based on efficient, high-capacity transport by combining the following elements:

· Scalability: The proliferation of data centers, rise of big data and increasing consumption of video are fundamentally changing traffic characteristics in operator networks. The Intelligent Transport Network delivers 500 Gb/s FlexCoherent™ super-channels today and is designed to scale without compromise to enable terabit super-channels and Terabit Ethernet in the future.

· Convergence: Networks are growing in complexity with the proliferation of chassis, network layers and fiber interconnects. Complexity increases the time it takes to plan and deploy network services and increases the cost of maintenance, operations, power, space and cooling. By converging packet, OTN and reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer (ROADM) switching functions the Intelligent Transport Network is designed to reduce complexity while lowering overall network spending without compromising performance.

· Automation: Network operators face intensifying competition to meet customer demand for immediate bandwidth needs and better visibility into the network. The Intelligent Transport Network features intelligent software control to help simplify multi-layer provisioning, and in the future will support Transport Software Defined Network (SDN). Automation allows end-user control of their own network services and aligns service revenue to transport network growth through capabilities such as Infinera Instant Bandwidth™.

“We believe Infinera delivers the world's most innovative networking solutions, helping our customers win in the marketplace by enabling an infinite pool of intelligent bandwidth,” said Dave Welch, Infinera EVP and Chief Strategy Officer. “The Intelligent Transport Network takes the Digital Optical Network to the next level with automated control, converged multi-layer switching and scalable super-channel transmission. Unlike the competition, we are not retrofitting legacy 10G and 40G platforms. We have designed the Intelligent Transport Network from the ground up for the Terabit Era.”

“Our Stockholm to Hamburg route is an important network for us, one of the busiest in delivering services to our end users in the Nordic region,” said Erik Hallberg, President of TeliaSonera International Carrier. “Our experience with the Infinera Intelligent Transport Network in North America gave us a competitive edge by enabling us to use time as a weapon to deliver 10 GbE and 100 GbE services faster than the competition. We look forward to expanding our Intelligent Transport Network into Europe with Infinera.”

“Infonetics surveyed service providers and found almost 90% of them plan to deploy platforms that converge OTN switching and WDM transmission by 2016,” said Andrew Schmitt, Principal Analyst, Optical at Infonetics Research. “The approach Infinera is taking with the Intelligent Transport Network aligns with what the largest global carriers are looking for.”


