2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


Infinite Convergence Launches Cloud-Based Enterprise Messaging Service for Asia-Pacific Market

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Infinite Convergence Solutions, a next-generation wireless messaging and mobility solutions provider for carriers and enterprises, announces today the launch of its Enterprise Messaging Service (EMS) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) market.

The cloud-based solution allows APAC enterprises to securely exchange information with customers, employees and business partners globally via text or multimedia messaging. The APAC region currently accounts for about half of the world's mobile subscribers, according to Research and Markets, and eMarketer predicts mobile phone penetration in the APAC region will reach 73 percent by 2015.

EMS enables businesses to provide secure SMS and MMS messaging at a cost-effective rate and features an enterprise-grade, web-based management portal to give businesses complete control of their message usage. This includes usage assignment to different departments within an organization, usage limits, access to customized reports and messaging campaign management.

“EMS empowers enterprises to communicate value-added information to their customers in a way that works best for their organization,” said Chee Leng Loy, Vice President, Asia Pacific and Middle East at Infinite Convergence. “Through the EMS management portal, enterprises have the tools needed to customize their mobile messaging to increase customer engagement, brand loyalty and revenue.”

Channel partners also benefit from the EMS management portal with customized access to all portal management features. According to Loy, “The EMS management portal has built in tools to manage, monitor, bill and support channel partners' individual enterprise customers. Channel partners can rely on the management portal to create individual customer accounts with different service levels or packages for different customer departments or divisions. With customized traffic reporting for individual customers, billing and invoicing is also much more streamlined.”

EMS builds upon Infinite Convergence‘s carrier-grade messaging platform, which enables 130 million subscribers to exchange 900 billion mobile messages annually. Features include global deployment, delivery assurance, end-to-end security, campaign manager, opt-in/opt-out capabilities and messaging analytics, for even the most time-sensitive and confidential communications. With customization and systems integration services, Infinite Convergence’s experienced end-to-end service team helps enterprises across industries, including financial, travel, hospitality and healthcare, expedite the introduction of value-added mobile messaging.

“In today‘s mobile world, it’s necessary for enterprises to establish close connections with their customers. Text and multimedia messaging continues to be the most ubiquitous form of communication across the globe, especially in the fast-growing Asia-Pacific market,” added Loy


