2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


Samsung GALAXY NX Partnership with AIPS

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, a global leader in digital media and digital convergence technologies, has announced an exciting new partnership with the Association Internationale de la Presse Sportive (AIPS). This exclusive partnership with the prestigious international sports journalism organization will see Samsung provide state of the art GALAXY NX camera equipment and tutelage to up and coming international sports journalists participating in the acclaimed Samsung GALAXY NX-AIPS Young Reporters Partnership Program.

Founded in 2011, the AIPS Young Reporters program gives budding journalists already working in sports media and university sports journalism students the opportunity to attend exclusive training courses with seasoned AIPS mentors, honing their skills through a series of lectures and master classes hosted by international industry specialists. As part of this new partnership, attendees of the latest Samsung GALAXY NX-AIPS Young Reporters Partnership Program, currently taking place in Lausanne, Switzerland from 25th June - 4th July, will also receive expert tutelage on sports photo reportage and learn how to capture the most powerful images possible using the latest Samsung GALAXY NX camera. They will then have the opportunity to apply these skills to real world situations by reporting on a series of major events, and also create a series of reports on international sports federations based in Lausanne. Once the course is complete, the trainee AIPS reporters will return home, where they will continue to record their ongoing development by reporting on local sporting events as official Samsung ‘Imagelogger’, sharing regular updates via the Samsung NX and AIPS social media channels.

“This exciting new partnership with AIPS puts cutting-edge Samsung camera innovations in the hands of talented individuals who represent the future of sports reportage,” said JuHyun Ko, Vice President of Europe Marketing, Digital Imaging Business, Samsung Electronics. “The GALAXY NX is the perfect device for fast paced sports reporting, combining high quality photography with the flexibility of an interchangeable lens camera and the instant connectivity of 3G/4G LTE and Wi-Fi. With the GALAXY NX, photographers need not worry about missing iconic images or getting their work to the newsroom first -everything needed to shoot, edit and post photos is right in the palm of your hand.”

The inaugural AIPS Young Reporters program was conducted during the Summer Universiade held in Shenzhen, China in 2011. Subsequent programs include the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Championships, Baku, Azerbaijan in 2012, and the just-completed UEFA U-21 Men’s European Championships, 2013.

“The AIPS Young Reporter program prides itself on offering promising young men and women the highest standard of tutelage and guidance, equipping them with the skills necessary to embark on a successful career in professional sports journalism,” said Gianni Merlo, AIPS President. “This new partnership with Samsung is the perfect example of this, it enables us to provide our program members with world class equipment like the GALAXY NX, and guidance in the field of photographic sports reportage, helping them to further advance their journalistic skillsets and boost future career prospects.”


